The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Yeah, it soured me.

Im also skeptical of these deals that sound too good to be true…like guaranteed 15% return in a 5% market….

Yeah we’re very conservative and do all of our own deals with plenty of clairol or equity.

We’ll have to add the ability to dodge bullets to to them though

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+1...I hear ya, Bob. I'm still holding some of those OTC dogs, too.

I might've sold PR today, but I was preoccupied with a calf being born.
Momma cow is a shorty and bags up really low and it's always a struggle for her new calves to get on a teet.
So, today was about bottle colostrum and new baby. Wife is presently in Kotezbue, AK, and then Barrow Sunday. Neighbor came over for the spare hands.

Hopefully the PR momentum continues into Monday; with the quarterly divi recorded next week, it may be an extended run.

how long do we watch PR flop between 12 and back to 10….
before you just pull the plug on a $12 day and call it a win?
how long do we watch PR flop between 12 and back to 10….
before you just pull the plug on a $12 day and call it a win?
Yep, that's nicely summed up I'd say.
That $1-a-share upcoming Q2 divi is a helluva perk, but as you alluded, the barcode has been exhausting.
ABML has come back to life...I was trying to buy more at $.60 but it never hit my order. Sounds like they have discovered one of the largest lithium reserves in the US.
I'm finally back above water on that one. It's been a war of attrition.
ABML….war of attrition for sure! Things are looking pretty good. I’m thinking $5 min?
Boy, that would be nice! I saw that stock up 8k on my sheet in late '20, early '21. Didn't sell, trying to believe in the 'long term.' Been down 6-7k ever since. Handed my ass (like many here) for the next two years--typical for most of the OTC stuff.

Not quite to break even point yet, but much better.
Wanted to buy at .65 or so, but frankly lost a lot of faith in OTC with the Zack Morris thieves and MM's that reamed everyone.
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For those of you following GTE it appears they are going to propose a reverse split at the May meeting. Every time I have seen a company do a reverse split it ends poorly. Any thoughts on this?


The one O&G company that did very well with RS was BORR, which languished in pennyland and near-non-compliance until that RS. Thereafter it's been solid. Honestly don't know what to think right now.
Obviously non-compliance isn't an issue with GTE. The election doomed that company, really unfortunate.
I’ve never seen a stock do well in the short term after a reverse split
I've only seen the one, BORR, and it corrected almost immediately after the RS. That said, it's easy to be really disgusted with GTE right now.

To be fair, the election was out of their hands; looking back It was foolish to stay invested heading into that Communist victory. Never underestimate the ability for people to self-destroy themselves and their country, Hell, the U.S. is halfway there.

Need to make a decision with GTE.....had wondered why some solid investors I watch had pulled out, now it's obvious.
For those invested in NYMT it just completed it’s reverse split. @Broomd you think this will be different because NYMT is a REIT?
For those invested in NYMT it just completed it’s reverse split. @Broomd you think this will be different because NYMT is a REIT?
Honestly, I missed this one. I have a sizable list of stocks I'm holding and I flat out missed the intel on this R/S until last night.
I had intended on selling at $3.25 and either just missed that sell point, or it didn't hit that preset.
I hate R/S, still contemplating the GTE scenario playing out.

Hopeful that NYMT still pays the 14% divi, that's the silver lining here, Have received quite a few 1/4 divis paid by them since late '20. That stuff adds up.

I’ve been watching a couple different Mortgage REITs since probably January. Thought about dipping my toe in then at “historically cheap prices” but thankfully I didn’t and I watched them fall another 20+ percent from there. How low can they go? It’s a bet on how far the housing market still has to fall.
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