The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

From what I can read this is based on optimism that we are reaching peak infections, and could lead to relaxing some of the lockdown.

Seems a bit optimistic but I hope they are correct.
1.5 trillion in sidelined private equity there is lots of plays to be made. Not everyone is a negative Nancy on the economy.
Remember the Fed is pumping 500 billion into the market on a regular basis too.

I’m swinging a few overnight. Hoping it wasn’t a mistake!
Missed out big time this morning. I had a multi-trade set to pickup UAL, AAL, DAL, ALK, and LUV airline positions 20 minutes before the markets opened. Then I cancelled it.
Man this week has been wild. Picked up some CVX on the way down, now just gotta figure out when is the right time to pull the trigger and cash it out...
I bought some SPHD yesterday, it’s not a star, but averaged 7% the last 5 years plus 6.5% dividend. 13.5% avg would be good for me. It dropped 40% last month, so long hold on this one. No fireworks but should do good long term.
Kinda leaning that way also. If the recession lasts the rest of the year, I could see a slow taper with some decent bumps.
I'm going to ride TWO for a bit myself. Good luck

\Cashed out OXY ( up big again) first thing this morning, BA , LUV and ALK. ( up big again this morning) Market cooling off now it appears. Picked up more CLR, AM, COG, AXDX , MRO on morning lows. Might cash out by tomorrow. Like all waiting for another big correction.
Some hopeful credit signs, its worth adding some value positions even if the bottoms soft.
bought some johnson and johnson for long term, some more micron. My BAM and ENPH are having a nice day again. Not expecting to flip any of these. sold my LUV too early apparently.
It's interesting reading everyone's comments but this covid 19 is going to be a black swan moment for all.
It will dwarf the GFC of 2008/2009. 80% of western workers are unemployed or on the way there. Businesses are
folding all over the world and this virus will be hanging around because to many are half arsed in their response.
Revolutions are bred in these times, look after yourselves.

Not a black swan - that implies it couldn't be seen coming. It was entirely predictable, and not priced into risk assessment properly, on many fronts. Labeling it a black swan lets consumers, corporations, state and federal governments, and health officials off the hook too easily.

Where I will agree with you is that the full impact has not been felt, and most folks can't intuit the scale. It is unique, or at least rare in that sense.
Goldman’s say beware this rally. I’m hitting pause for a bit. Thursday’s small business bail out might help for a bump, but 30 days left of the current shut down. That’s a lifetime in this market
Goldman’s say beware this rally. I’m hitting pause for a bit. Thursday’s small business bail out might help for a bump, but 30 days left of the current shut down. That’s a lifetime in this market

Yep, I'm currently done until May probably after adjustments from earnings reports (and also payday). But don't think I'm in anything particularly risky atm either.
I got in on SSL and made very nice gains yesterday and today (up 140%). Just day trading with fun money. Still buying VLO in the dips and selling on the highs daily. I caught a ~$6 swing yesterday and a ~$3 swing today. I’m not trying to convince anyone to day trade with their life savings, but I’m doing very well. Get in and get out on the day. Too volatile to know the difference in closing price and opening price on most.
Missed out big time this morning. I had a multi-trade set to pickup UAL, AAL, DAL, ALK, and LUV airline positions 20 minutes before the markets opened. Then I cancelled it.
Can't imagine that those stocks are done with the downward march. You may be glad you trusted your gut on that buy. Time will tell, it always does.