The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Sold MRO, EPR ( up over 20 per cent) and more CLR this morning. Good profits. Still waiting for a correction to jump in more aggressively
New to investing outside of my and my families traditional retirement funds. Opened a Vanguard account when the virus hit. I plan on dumping cash into it for the foreseeable future as an alternative investment fund. I had/have no intention to day trade, but invested in MRO and NCLH, which I just sold. Made 40% on it this week. I still have DAL and will probably hold through the hopeful rebound. I see myself investing in a few ETF's or maybe stocks of companies I use and believe in.

The end goal of all of this is to have enough money between a pension, 401k and my Vanguard to retire in 18 years at the age of 53. As of now we're on track. Hope it all works out.
Sold MRO, EPR ( up over 20 per cent) and more CLR this morning. Good profits. Still waiting for a correction to jump in more aggressively
+1... took serious kwan today from EPR, ACY and CEQP....the latter was up 35% from yesterday! I left a bit of meat on the profit bone with that one, never dreamed it would hit the highs it did.

Wanna put some long term EPR away just for the dividends involved, but when a stock is sitting there up thousands, it's hard to hold. Especially in this volitile market.
It may be down to $20 on Monday! Crazy sh!t.
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I sold EPR today as well as a few others. Tired of seeing them in the red, so took the profits from the last couple days and ran.

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I sold EPR today as well as a few others. Tired of seeing them in the red, so took the profits from the last couple days and ran.

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If I had to choose one common stock to hold for a lifetime it's EPR. This week it was at 19.00+ off a 52 week high of 80.00. It's a keeper.
Plus their dividend is stellar.
I sold mine today for the gain$, and because I think those same gains could evaporate over the next month with another dip. Who really knows?!
There's talk of dividend cuts for many companies, so that isn't a given in this crazy market, but overall that stock is a keeper for the long haul.
OXY has been a wild ride, I caught the dip earlier and am back in at 14.50, hoping the news gives it another pop in after hours, who knows.
I picked up more JetBlue and Tesla when they both dropped way down, hoping when everything gets back to normal I have enough to fund an extra out of state tag and some gear!
Well there went the 10 mil barrel OPEC cut, that should rocket some oil stocks on Monday.

The way it’s been going, what I think ends up opposite so no promises
The Weyerhauser stock I bought a couple weeks ago finally showed some life going up 30 % or so this week. As I understand it lumber suppliers are cutting production to keep price from continuing to fall in a period of low demand. Expectations are that when demand for lumber kicks back in supply will be low which will increase price and cause lumber supplier stocks to go up accordingly. That's my hope anyway.
If I had to choose one common stock to hold for a lifetime it's EPR. This week it was at 19.00+ off a 52 week high of 80.00. It's a keeper.
Plus their dividend is stellar.
I sold mine today for the gain$, and because I think those same gains could evaporate over the next month with another dip. Who really knows?!
There's talk of dividend cuts for many companies, so that isn't a given in this crazy market, but overall that stock is a keeper for the long haul.

I agree and was my plan as well

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Sold a bunch today. Half my MRO, made $1.10 a share profit. United Airlines shot up again today and I sold that. PCG had a really good morning as well. Sold all of that too. I am hoping the market is down on Monday. I need to re-invest a bunch of $$$$$. Great day today if you sold at the right time.
Well average is somewhere in the ballpark of 80 million barrels per day, they cut it 10 million. I wouldn’t be surprised to see $30 oil Monday. But as we’ve seen, lord knows what’s gonna happen right now.
I sold MRO on Thursday at $3.95 (purchased at $3.40). Then, being the investing genius that I am, I bought back in at $4.32 on Friday morning, because, ya know, buy high - sell low, right? So I'm hoping oil will indeed take off on Monday, thereby covering my stupidity, while simultaneously funding my Colorado elk hunting trip this September, which may or may not happen, because, ya know, coronavirus might be spread rampantly throughout the mountain backcountry, and we can't be havin' that.
Well average is somewhere in the ballpark of 80 million barrels per day, they cut it 10 million. I wouldn’t be surprised to see $30 oil Monday. But as we’ve seen, lord knows what’s gonna happen right now.

I am hopeful with positions in CVX and OXY, but cautiously optimistic. What I read in my digging is that cutting production by 10M barrels isn't enough. With the lower demand, there will still be a surplus of 27M barrels or something like that...

I personally setup stop losses on both tickers and if it falls I will sell off automatically and still make a profit, then can buy back in once it settles down. But you're right, the damn things could surge 20% Monday...who knows.

I felt like the after hours slight uptick was a good sign yesterday, most oil stock went ups little after close, so felt like that was pointing to positive sentiment. We shall see!
Uh oh, Mexico is balking at the deal, didn’t vote for it. CNBC if you want to read it.

Saw that. Mexico certainly not a foundational player in either side of the international oil market, though. I'm crossing fingers for a rally Monday. Picked up a bunch of CVX at several positions on the way down, and would be all about cashing that out at a good opportunity