The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Couldn't take it anymore...sold some FANG for 140% gain. A driftboat was calling my name. Holding the rest to see where oil takes us.

Also have some FUBO. Got in around $24. Still holding to see where it goes.
LLKKF looks like it might be going up.

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Looking at this one pretty hard. Australian company looking to start using a new low impact method to mine lithium, starting in Argentina. Long story short, a new method to extract the Lithium brine, extract the Lithium and return the brine back under. Supposed to be super eco friendly and low impact, compared to other methods. Backed by some pretty heavy hitters. They have a good looking zone to mine, but still sampling/testing the area. Im not tracking any widespread application of their method yet.

I think ill drop a few bills on this LLKKF play. Its probably a long term play, and personally I'm categorizing it as moderate to high risk. Alot of unknowns, but even if their current location is a bust, the application of their mining method could be a good performer.

ENLV stock
TSNP (this time in my IRA, its now in my IRA and Roth)

2/12 167.5c on XBI
2/12 138c on AAPL (might regret that)

Sold to close an APHA call for 100% profit
For those holding FORW and still trying to wrap their domes around the warrants concept...(like me)....
From ST...
Nolan23 03:27 PM
$FORW So George (Sharp) CEO of Forwardly-- just said FORW shares are worth more than $TSNP shares this morning. Meaning your FORW shares will be more valuable.....

Wyzguy8802:06 PM
$TSNP For those new to $FORW let me share this important DD with you. $FORW owns the warrants (@ $.048 per share or a total execution price around $25 million) for 500 MILLION shares of $TSNP that can be executed up to 2 years. With $TSNP trading at $1.35 those warrants, as an asset are, worth $650 MILLION. At $.80 a share, which what $FORW is trading at, puts their market cap at appr. $350 million. Which means that FORW’s market cap just based on that 1 asset SHOULD be trading at nearly 2x their current share price or roughly $1.30-$1.40 a share. This stock is SEVERELY UNDERVALUED. The float is super small and I know of multiple investors that have tens of millions of shares and are not selling. @ $.80!this is an absolute steal and should be trading higher in per share than $TSNP based on the value of those warrants and the share structure. $FORW $TSNP 🚂🚂🚂💨💨💨💨

So....question for those with trader does this price difference reflect at sale of FORW stock? How is the .048 redeemed? I don't get this warrant concept.

Depending on futures Sunday and market early Monday I hope to add more FORW...feel fortunate to get into this after TNSP took off so quickly.

One more...

Terry1501:39 PM
$FORW TSNP closed up 47% for as FORW closed up 60% Its not how many penny's this goes up its the daily % increase that matters. FORW has now closed the gap by over 25% to TSNP PPS in 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks ago you could buy 3 shares FORW to 1 share TSNP. Last week it decreased by 1 share so for every 1 share of TSNP you could buy 2 shares FORW, and as of today it has decreased even more now you can only buy 1.5 shares of FORW to 1 share of TSNP WE ARE CLOSING THE GAP SLOWLY BUT WE WILL EVENTUALLY TRADE 1 FOR 1 WITH TSNP HERES THE MATH LESSON FOR EVERY .01 TSNP INCREASE IT INCREASES THE WARRANTS BY .0113 SO WE ARE SO UNDERVALUED
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Still holding OCGN from .40, would love to see this in the teens next week. Holding for the long run.

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So....question for those with trader does this price difference reflect at sale of FORW stock? How is the .048 redeemed? I don't get this warrant concept.

You wont see anything, the company funded HUMBL

FORW has the option to buy the shares, just like you and I can sell options. Investors will not get any of it unless it back feeds when they buy as maybe dividends?

Stock Warrants vs. Stock Options: An Overview​

A stock warrant gives the holder the right to purchase a company's stock at a specific price and at a specific date. A stock warrant is issued directly by the company concerned; when an investor exercises a stock warrant, the shares that fulfill the obligation are not received from another investor but directly from the company. A stock option, on the other hand, is a contract between two people that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell outstanding stocks at a specific price and at a specific date.
Broomd... I asked a guy about the warrants yesterday & he explained it to me like this:

FORW (George Sharp's company) owns warrants to purchase 500 million shares of TSNP for $0.05 each. So theoretically, one could argue that it should closely track the value of TSNP

However, this "value" or "income" goes to George's pocket & who knows what will happen to that $$.
So what would you rather own, part of the actual real thing...TSNP (& HUMBL) or part of George's pocket?

It was an easy decision after that to buy TSNP
Warrants are dilutive, options are not. I haven't done any DD on Forwardly but the dilutive effect is known and in the money and therefore already should be priced into TSNP. Likewise for the warrant holder.
Tsnp is over a Dollar premarket!
cha Ching for me. ALPP too has been money for me.

AXAS 28.5 k shares at 2.01 a share finally popped for me today after 4 months. slow and steady. Hopefully sell around 6 to 6.50

grabbed a bunch of ` WLL, CTRM, VXRT and nviv again. Continue to pick up more PayPal with profits..
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Anyone else in LGVW? Spac merging with Butterfly that makes a pocket ultrasound that directly connects to the doctors cell phone. Merger is the 16th. I can see big upside longterm