The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Do you guys really see a jump worth chasing in natural gas right now? The link shows a chart that shows prices falling going into March the last 2 years.
+1 Denver, thanks for the WTI update.
It's going to be cold. Don't know how the green geniuses think we're going to heat our homes going forward without FF and Nat Gas.

Saw this on ST and thought it was worth a share. I bolded his thoughts, We CDEV 'sliders can relate to this:
12:18 PM
$CDEV I don’t normally post a lot, but it’s -52 Celsius up here at the Alberta Oilsands, and we’re not allowed to work... Ever since my initial investment in CDEV way back in March 2020, I’ve seen my account range from -60% all the way to +600%... There’s been days where I question if I’m truly an idiot... There’s been days where I ask if I’m truly a genius... The answers are both NO. I’m just a guy who saw opportunity in oil&gas when 99% of the investing world saw FEAR. So. We are now in the biggest oil price BOOM there has ever been. This sector is going to see money FOMO in from all over. Stock price will explode past recovery. Oil prices will continue climbing. This is literally history in the making. To all the people looking here to buy; this is the right place. This is an incredible value investment. It would be very wise if you to do some research and then add this to your portfolios. Best wishes, -Sean C.

I think the plan was to have us run on big hamster wheels at the re-education camps

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Do you guys really see a jump worth chasing in natural gas right now? The link shows a chart that shows prices falling going into March the last 2 years.
im in ung at 9.50 a share. Im looking to maybe get 25 per cent then dump.. that's tough to say now. If it was Dec I would say no-brainer . I think other energy stocks better bet than nat gas at this time. not an expert of course.
Can you share why ante, brqs will be runners?

Brqs just for the btc angle and it's on the trading groups radar.

Ante a lot because it's been called by a bunch of guys and the airline angle with covid vaccine.

Visl will be interesting to see where it ends up, I'm looking for 6.00

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SNPR is reverse merging with Volta. Volta is charging stations with digital ads like the videos at gas pumps.


SNPR is the team that previously took Hyliion public. I've been holding since just after the IPO in September.

If I wasn't already in, I would not chase, rather wait for the post DA dip to bottom.
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ETFM is killling it ...holding 1.5m shares at .001, should have bought 10 mill.
CYDVF and LLKKF were bargains last week, perking up...
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Hcmc is on fire today

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I got in first thing this morning with 1 mil shares, doubled already. This one is getting so much hype. I'm not going to stick around long, but seeing where it heads here. The company seems like absolute garbage based on my DD but I am in to see what the market idiocy does.