The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Anyone else in LGVW? Spac merging with Butterfly that makes a pocket ultrasound that directly connects to the doctors cell phone. Merger is the 16th. I can see big upside longterm
I'm not gonna chase, but I will add it to the watch list. Might pick it up after the post merger dip establishes a bottom.
For those holding FORW and still trying to wrap their domes around the warrants concept...(like me)....
From ST...
Nolan23 03:27 PM
$FORW So George (Sharp) CEO of Forwardly-- just said FORW shares are worth more than $TSNP shares this morning. Meaning your FORW shares will be more valuable.....

Wyzguy8802:06 PM
$TSNP For those new to $FORW let me share this important DD with you. $FORW owns the warrants (@ $.048 per share or a total execution price around $25 million) for 500 MILLION shares of $TSNP that can be executed up to 2 years. With $TSNP trading at $1.35 those warrants, as an asset are, worth $650 MILLION. At $.80 a share, which what $FORW is trading at, puts their market cap at appr. $350 million. Which means that FORW’s market cap just based on that 1 asset SHOULD be trading at nearly 2x their current share price or roughly $1.30-$1.40 a share. This stock is SEVERELY UNDERVALUED. The float is super small and I know of multiple investors that have tens of millions of shares and are not selling. @ $.80!this is an absolute steal and should be trading higher in per share than $TSNP based on the value of those warrants and the share structure. $FORW $TSNP

So....question for those with trader does this price difference reflect at sale of FORW stock? How is the .048 redeemed? I don't get this warrant concept.

Depending on futures Sunday and market early Monday I hope to add more FORW...feel fortunate to get into this after TNSP took off so quickly.

One more...

Terry1501:39 PM
$FORW TSNP closed up 47% for as FORW closed up 60% Its not how many penny's this goes up its the daily % increase that matters. FORW has now closed the gap by over 25% to TSNP PPS in 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks ago you could buy 3 shares FORW to 1 share TSNP. Last week it decreased by 1 share so for every 1 share of TSNP you could buy 2 shares FORW, and as of today it has decreased even more now you can only buy 1.5 shares of FORW to 1 share of TSNP WE ARE CLOSING THE GAP SLOWLY BUT WE WILL EVENTUALLY TRADE 1 FOR 1 WITH TSNP HERES THE MATH LESSON FOR EVERY .01 TSNP INCREASE IT INCREASES THE WARRANTS BY .0113 SO WE ARE SO UNDERVALUED

I am playing catchup a bit but at this point would it be worth investing in tsnp or forw? It sounds like forw has the potential to dilute tsnp and reduce its price.

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I am playing catchup a bit but at this point would it be worth investing in tsnp or forw? It sounds like forw has the potential to dilute tsnp and reduce its price.

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For you? Probably into the actual TSNP stock, unless you're swinging/day trading it. I'm into FORW because if was at a 35% discount for my late-to-the-party ass, so I'll likely stay right here and load up. Theoretically it seems like it has to hit TSNPs PP predicated on necessary volume (and it's worth slightly more.).

It also appears that FORW holders have until 11/22/22 to liquidate before warrants expire--that could be extended if I understand this right. I don't know if there is a cap on the FORW stock price, there may be. I thought I read $4 somewhere.

I told my wife I wish I had taken a trading class at some point. This stuff is crazy.
There is so much to learn with stocks to even have a slight understanding. Until recently, the individual stocks that I invested in were name brand companies that I had confidence in or seemingly obvious short terms dips, like casinos after covid started. Playing the penny stocks is much more exciting because the potential for a significant return is there if you do enough research. Thats where Im lacking but with this tread it has lit fire under me to get back in the game. Daddy needs some new toys!

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For you? Probably into the actual TSNP stock, unless you're swinging/day trading it. I'm into FORW because if was at a 35% discount for my late-to-the-party ass, so I'll likely stay right here and load up. Theoretically it seems like it has to hit TSNPs PP predicated on necessary volume (and it's worth slightly more.).

It also appears that FORW holders have until 11/22/22 to liquidate before warrants expire--that could be extended if I understand this right. I don't know if there is a cap on the FORW stock price, there may be. I thought I read $4 somewhere.

I told my wife I wish I had taken a trading class at some point. This stuff is crazy.
Truer words couldn’t be said any better. 12 years of undergrad/graduate/post-graduate training and it never crossed my mind. Google has become my professor now, which still leaves me confused at times.
When I fist got into TSNP I was reading about FORW and bought a some what large position at like .05. But I didn't go anywhere for several weeks so I sold...that was dumb..
TNSP will correct monday or tuesday.

Buys on CYDVF, LIAC and a couple other penny litium miners this week,

IGC small weed that needs to run this week, and if your up at 4am to load up brqs, ante, GRNQ, and BTC plays will be HUGE monday if we don't get a crash tomorrow.
TNSP will correct monday or tuesday.

Buys on CYDVF, LIAC and a couple other penny litium miners this week,

IGC small weed that needs to run this week, and if your up at 4am to load up brqs, ante, GRNQ, and BTC plays will be HUGE monday if we don't get a crash tomorrow.
CYDVF has been slowly creeping back down for a few weeks now but not sure why. I read that Elon Musk tried to acquire them but they said no; that was enough for me to invest.

I tripled up on TSNP (assuming that's what you meant) so I sold off 1/4 of my position on Friday to get my initial money back and will buy back in on the dip if it happens next week. I think they'll keep going up long term but it's been so steep/quick lately I wouldn't be surprised if they have a significant dip first (just my opinion).

I'm also in TLSS pretty heavy. Do some DD first, but they seem to be a pretty strong long term play (1-2 years).
Anybody watching this Dogecoin madness?
Madness is a good word to describe it. I'm just now getting into researching crypto & from what I hear this one is just a novelty with no major upside. It was started as a joke with someone's dog. Elon Musk tweeted & it went nuts. It has unlimited future supply which means no scarcity to increase value. I could be totally wrong though.

There's so much to learn about all these & I haven't convinced myself to jump into any of them in a big way yet. DD is expansive & mind numbing.
Personally I think the BTC train has left the station & ETH will be the next one to pop as it is more geared toward everyday transactions. XRP would be my next in line to throw some down on.
I went ahead & opened a crypto account with Binance (be aware it's a multi day process) & will slowly ease in the water & try it out. I believe it's in it the infancy stage & could possibly produce some major returns in the future. I'd hate to miss out on it if it does.

Just watching some returns over the last week some of the more well known ones are gaining 10-20% plus daily.

Anybody wanna chime in with some guidance? Maybe there should be another crypto thread by itself?
TNSP will correct monday or tuesday.

Buys on CYDVF, LIAC and a couple other penny litium miners this week,

IGC small weed that needs to run this week, and if your up at 4am to load up brqs, ante, GRNQ, and BTC plays will be HUGE monday if we don't get a crash tomorrow.
I started a half position long term in LIACF the other day. Not thrilled with my entry but I’ll add whichever way it goes.
TNSP will correct monday or tuesday.

Buys on CYDVF, LIAC and a couple other penny litium miners this week,

IGC small weed that needs to run this week, and if your up at 4am to load up brqs, ante, GRNQ, and BTC plays will be HUGE monday if we don't get a crash tomorrow.
Can you share why ante, brqs will be runners?
Just want to thank everyone on this thread. Just got into playin with stocks last year. Have learnt a ton and made some good money thanks to all of you guys. Just wanted to put one out there to check out. Do your DD. WSGF. In process of ticker change and to do with vacation rentals.
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Natural Gas likely to pop this week then correct.

WTI just had it's best year to date performance in 30 years.


Holding CDEV.
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+1 Denver, thanks for the WTI update.
It's going to be cold. Don't know how the green geniuses think we're going to heat our homes going forward without FF and Nat Gas.

Saw this on ST and thought it was worth a share. I bolded his thoughts, We CDEV 'sliders can relate to this:
12:18 PM
$CDEV I don’t normally post a lot, but it’s -52 Celsius up here at the Alberta Oilsands, and we’re not allowed to work... Ever since my initial investment in CDEV way back in March 2020, I’ve seen my account range from -60% all the way to +600%... There’s been days where I question if I’m truly an idiot... There’s been days where I ask if I’m truly a genius... The answers are both NO. I’m just a guy who saw opportunity in oil&gas when 99% of the investing world saw FEAR. So. We are now in the biggest oil price BOOM there has ever been. This sector is going to see money FOMO in from all over. Stock price will explode past recovery. Oil prices will continue climbing. This is literally history in the making. To all the people looking here to buy; this is the right place. This is an incredible value investment. It would be very wise if you to do some research and then add this to your portfolios. Best wishes, -Sean C.