I bought RGR (Ruger) at $38 and VISTO (Federal/ CCI ammo) at $7 Knew the unrest would lead to gun and ammo sales. I also bought TAST (Burger King) at $1.50 when Covid 1st started figuring people would be hitting fast food more. With these three huge wins I now went on to riskier stuff that if it recovers will make make big gains but could also implode but I’m playing with the houses money (profits) after the wins on the above 3.
United Airlines (UAL)was trading in the $90 before this mess now can get for in the $30s.
I bought Ford (F) when it dipped below $5, think $6 range is still pretty good
AMC stock is way down they are taking on a lot of debt to survive this. If they make it to re-opening +6 months the upside could be huge.
And last Disney (DIS) at any where below $120 is a steal.
my 2 Cents I am not an expert by any means. I’m just betting on companies that if they return to -10% or even -20% of what they were at last year, in the next 2 years the upswing will be huge.