The Life and Times of Outfitters & Guides


In the length of time this video took, my hunter would have had to get on this bull for a 340 yard shot. He couldn't and the bull got away. Even on private land, these bulls don't give you much time.

This is the third day and we have zero elk down. Never has happened before. Still lots of time left.
Keep after it Robby. As you know, persistence often pays great dividends.
It was a long day I finished posting we found another good buck and our other hunter shot at him! They both said they felt good about the shots but after searching for hours we were able to determine misses on both, very unfortunate considering they were both very nice bucks. In this country it is pretty hard to find and pattern a good buck. We also saw two 6 point bulls a spike and a 5 point yesterday that the hunters couldn't get into position in time to kill. Hopefully today is the day!!
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Must be the pressure of being "live". Hope to see some pictures of dead critters soon. Nice to see them when alive, but like to see success better. Time to bear down and get it done. Good luck.


It came together this morning for Ryan Mabie. He took this good bull at 150 yards with his .338 Lapua (sp??) after watching this herd bull move his cows over 1/2 mile from feeding to bedding area. He was able to get in position for a shot.

I was guiding his brother Tim this morning and we saw a similar-sized bull just at daylight moving for the cover. We closed the distance but not quick enough and he made the cover.

Tyler left a message that they got into some smaller bulls but the hunters elected to pass. One of the hunters also reported seeing what sounds like the best buck of the year; wide and tall with several kickers. Hope we get to see him on the ground!
Nice to see something down. Congrats to the hunter. I hope the 338 Lapua was big enough to do the job.
Yay! Congrats to Ryan, and to all of you in the field that helped him make it happen. Good luck to you and the rest of your clients, Robby and team!
Herd bull down!

We might have started off a little slow, but we're putting them on the ground now.

This morning, we all split up and hit a few of the old standby spots. It was cloudy, gray and very windy. By 9:00, I was beginning to think the elk had made the cover before first light. About 9:15, I glassed up 6 cow elk feeding on a mountainside at about 2 miles. I radioed my guys up top and put them on alert. Although they were just cows, we have a great bull:cow ratio and even this late in the rut, herd bulls are usually around them somewhere.

While peering through my spotting scope, I hear a rifle echo in the distance. The cows broke left and 10 seconds later a good herd bull appeared from the cover hot on their tails. Several rifle shots later and he was down.

Mike Mabie took this one with a 7mm Remington Mag with his father Kurt at his side. This is Mike's first elk and he and his dad are pretty elated.


We only have one more day left, but as we've seen, anything can happen.
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Great job!! We are still getting our talks kicked over here, it's the last morning and we're hoping something changes.
Well, it's all over for the 5 bull hunters Matt & I had in camp. With no elk killed it was a pretty unusual year. We had several opportunities that for one reason or another just didn't play out in the hunters favor. As always though we all had a great time & made some new friends.
Game over.
Elk 8, Hunters 2.

Although this was the lowest success rate we've ever posted in 10 years of business, it was still a good hunt. Both ranches had 5 elk hunters. I guided the Mabie party and as you saw, we killed two herd bulls. If they would have anchored the three other bulls opening morning, we would have at least had 4 elk on the ground (Mike missed the bull opening day then killed the good bull the 6th day) which is more on par with our normal success rate. But hey, we all miss once in a while, except for me- I do it more often :). Tyler will update you all on the other ranch soon.

It was great to serve this party of hunters and looks like they'll be back next year.

Before I became an outfitter, I used to think only rich, fat hunters hired outfitters and you had to hold their hands and help them blow their noses. While that might be true someplaces, I can tell you that hasn't been my experience. I've learned more often than not that these hunters are just like us- they love to hunt, have the skills to do it, and usually have a lifetime of hunting experience- they just don't live where the elk and mule deer live.

I've made some good friends over the years in this business and am a little sad when the last day of the season comes and they all prepare to leave.

Don Mabie is the father of this group and he was a pleasure to work for these last few years. He's in his late 70's and has been hunting since the 1940's! He is a wealth of experience in hunting and life . I've learned much from him. He brings his friend of similar age, Trent Geldersma, and they are a hoot to be with. All three of us are Christians and have that connection too, which to me is the greatest of blessings.

Don's a little concerned that this may be "the end of the trail" and his last trip out West due to his aging wife and a few health issues of his own. While the next generation of Mabies will pick up where ever Don leaves off, I will never forget this old man whom I've learned so much from. Thanks for making it all happen Don!

If I don't get to see you again on this side of heaven, wait for me where this trail ends and the next one picks up- I will be there.
Your friend forever, Robby Denning.

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Robby is hunting the last day and has found a
pretty good buck. He has him bedded at 230 yards. Waiting for a shot.
"Spotted him as sunrise. Already bedded close to cover(20 yards) under a Utah Juniper. He's very big in the body and a "nice" rack-even and tall but not wide. Last day easy loader IF I can get a clean shot. I see his back forks on other side of Juniper, but that's all. No more cover between us and snow is crunchy. Shadows to left of tree. Hoping he gets up and moves that way. Been bedded several hours now." Robby
"hunkered down in sage with rifle over spotting scope. Trying not to shiver" Robby

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