The Life and Times of Outfitters & Guides

Final Score...
Elk 6, Hunters 0.

We gave it our all and came up empty. The elk were there, we just never got them nailed down enough to intercept them. That ranch is incredibly brushy and glassing is tough, so we rely just as much on tracking and pushing. We lost our snow when it warmed up, so tracking got tougher, but Tyler managed to find 3 elk holed up in some heavy quakies last night. We started our drive and Tyler got the elk up and moving but they stayed out of sight of our shooters as they made their escape.

Hunters were a little dissappointed but understand that hunting is hunting. They know the elk were there as several saw over 40 the first day. They were happy with all we did to get them an elk and even left a good tip for the guides. Tyler and Matt are excellent guides and worked hard to get them in the elk.

The hunters loved the culture of Idaho hunting. Most of the group had never experienced this type of hunting from the glassing long distance, to the search for tracks, and the elk drives. They had never been in a place so hard to get to in a vehicle and really liked the fact that there was no cell service and that the ranch house is heated only by wood and lighted by electric generator. The one Texan said "I thought West Texas was western, but THIS is western".

They were also fascinated when I chained up my old Ford. They had never seen it done and couldn't believe I could go where Tyler and Matt went on their Razors. I can't go as fast, but I usually get there.

Once the snow melted it was a muddy mess and they loved to see the old Ford throwing rooster tails as we negotiated the ranch roads. If we could have got them at least one elk, it would have been the perfect hunt. They indicated they'd like to return next year, so seems like they understand that hunting is hunting!

So it's over..., Our toughest elk year ever (we killed 3 elk out of 17 hunters and had 4 more shot opportunities,) but some good memories made and some lessons learned.

Thanks for following along and a special thanks to two of the best guides in SE Idaho- Matt Capson and Tyler Williams.

Till next year...
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Thanks for the update Robby. I'm heading out Friday...your season is winding down and mine is just getting started.
yes, seems weird we're about done and Montana is just getting going. Let me know how that new seal works you put on your tent. Best of luck and we're waiting for pics.

When ever I chain up my truck, I think of you!
The end of a great season.....I wish we could have been able to put a few elk on the ground but it just didn't work out. All of the hunters we had in camp this year were great people and I feel honored to call each of them my friend now. A special thanks goes out to Robby, as on the way out things got more than a little interesting trying to pull my fifth wheel and a trailer with two razors on it proved to be no match for the muddy road. Sorry no pics of that but in the end it all worked out and I can't wait to do it all over again next year!


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