The Life and Times of Outfitters & Guides

Only took 35 hunting days, but finally connected on a good buck.
Thanks to my wife, Jodi, for dropping everything she was doing and heading home so I could share this hunt with you. I don't have a smart phone for the very reason they require "smart" people to run them- Thanks Jodi.
Thanks to everyone for the encouragement this fall. Rokslide Roks!

With his 17" G-2's and good eye guards (3.5"+ each), he's right around 180 gross.
Thank you Scott and Kevin and for hanging in there with me for so many posts/threads.

Kevin, thanks for sharing one of my favorite Bible verses in Post #98. I'm rejoicing for sure.
Way to get it done on a great buck on the last day of the season. You had a busy day. I was driving around with my kids last night and heard you doing a piece on the radio.
Doug! you're right! We had that interview scheduled for several weeks and I couldn't miss it. I was stressing all day about getting there on time. I arrived at the interview with 4 minutes to spare. Darn buck about made me late.
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I like easy loaders. Don't tell Aron I showed you this.
Thanks everyone, glad you liked the buck.

So, here we go, it's cow elk season now. We don't have a big demand for cow elk hunts but do get a few hunters out. This year is our biggest year as we have 6 hunters this weekend trying to take a skinhead. Tyler, Matt, and I will be guiding this group of hunters. They come to us from Texas and California and know each other through their jobs. For many, this is their first elk hunt.

I met two of them last night late and drove them up to the ranch where Matt and Tyler were waiting. We got about 6" of snow and elk tracks crossed the road in various places making me hopeful for these hunters. Sure enough, got to the ranch and the guides had already seen a herd of elk just after dark, then driving back out I jumped a good 6x6 right in the road along with another bull. That is a great way to start a hunt!

I'll be picking up the other 4 guys at the airport this morning and heading up. We have three days.
Now that we have snow, my secret wish is to lay eyes on one of the good bucks that inhabit the ranch. Season is closed in this unit but it's fun to see them.

We'll update daily and let you know how the cow hunt is coming together. Although messy and cold, I love hunting in the snow and it generally works in the hunters favor. This ranch is as thick as hair on a dog's back, so anything to tip the odds in our favor is welcome. So come along as we help some hunters get their first taste of elk hunting. As many know, it is addicting.

Here's a cow I guided a young hunter to a few years ago. He was so excited at getting his first elk. Several years later, he's an elk hunter to the core, chasing them from archery through rifle season. Gotta start somewhere and cow elk can provide that spark.

Elk 6 Hunters 0. Opening day, Matt and Tyler showed our hunters 40+ elk, but none in range. We were all so excited after I arrived with the other 4 hunters. As it goes in elk hunting, we saw a big fat goose-egg today. We'll hit it hard again in the morning.

All these hunters work in the oil industry and are voting Republican. That's all I've heard for two days. :)

I'm also very impressed with Matt and Tyler's knowledge of the ranch and hard work trying to keep the hunters happy. I'm lucky to have them on my guide crew.