The Kifaru Tahr

Congrats! Nice work! Great looking muley. Just got back from Wyoming myself. I ordered and EMR II, but I don't think I can pass up a Tahr as well. But I'd really love to have a zipper, just for the easy access. Thx Aron

Agree, bring on the access zipper.
Hey Aron, would it be possible to get a two way center zip, (through special order) on a Tahr or either of the other two in this new family? Say from near the bottom up to where the first web loop is for attaching the "over the top" compression strap? Thanks

Man that would be nice. Waiting to hear about this as well..

I'd like to see it on the Argali, as well as just a couple extra loops on the side so long pockets can be attached..
Got mine in today. Initial impressions are excellent, as expected.

Weight on my scale (on 22" Ultralight Duplex):

Stripped (no lid, 2 side compression straps, bottom compression straps removed)- 4.75 lbs

Above + Guide Lid- 5.37 lbs

Complete (guide lid and all included compression straps)- 5.67 lbs

Unfortunately I'm done hunting for the year, but with the pack being this light, I have a feeling it will quickly become my primary backpacking setup as well.


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Got Mine today and Wow!! Loaded 30 lbs (Heavy Day Pack Mode). I can't believe how well the Duplex Frame Carries the weight. Kifaru has earn its reputation for make great packs and it show with this pack for sure !!! With all the pockets your can attach you can compress the main compartment and go !!

Can't wait for Hunting season. Hopefully I can get out on some scouting trips before that.

Thanks Kifaru !!!
Got my Tahr today. I think this pack will be great for a couple days on the mountain with spotting scope pocket and lid. Here are a few pics with no lid




Weight on my scale (on 22" Ultralight Duplex):

Stripped (no lid, 2 side compression straps, bottom compression straps removed)- 4.75 lbs

Tperkins, are these numbers correct? Seems like that is a little heavier than the Kifaru website shows. (2 lbs 10 oz 22" Ultralight Frame + 1 lbs 12 oz Tahr bag - 3 oz for no top lid = 4.25 lbs)
Tperkins, are these numbers correct? Seems like that is a little heavier than the Kifaru website shows. (2 lbs 10 oz 22" Ultralight Frame + 1 lbs 12 oz Tahr bag - 3 oz for no top lid = 4.25 lbs)

They are correct, at least on my scale (which was calibrated with a known weight). Everything I've ever had from Kifaru has been slightly heavier than claimed, but well within reason. Here are the exact weights I got:

22" Duplex UL- 1307 grams (2 lb 14 oz)
Tahr w/ 2 compression straps, no lid- 849 grams (1 lb 14 oz)
Guide lid, minus shoulder straps- 283 grams (10 oz)
I weigh everything on the same scale, so I'll check it when I get to the office tomorrow.

We have several scales, but I just have been using the one to keep things equal.