The Kifaru Tahr

Hey Aron you gonna be at No Limits on the 7th correct? If so you bringing any of the new bags with you?
Anyone get their tahr yet?

I'm wondering if it's too much overlap having a camp bag with the tahr.
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I've got one on the way too. Already received my Duplex UL, waiting for the Tahr to finish it up.
Hey Aron, would it be possible to get a two way center zip, (through special order) on a Tahr or either of the other two in this new family? Say from near the bottom up to where the first web loop is for attaching the "over the top" compression strap? Thanks
Well, I made the Jump Ordered the Tahr Today on the 26 hunting Composite Stays Frame. Only down side is I wanted it in Mandrake but for some reason its not available in Mandrake. I was a little confused by that all the other new packs are available in Mandrake. But still excited to get it. Now the waiting begins.....
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What would be your estimate on the minimum weight for the Tahr? (no lid, top folded back and over with 2 vertical straps, 3 compression straps each side, straps trimmed to typical lengths, etc)
Skybuster, I ran into the same issue when ordering an EMRII, only five color choices I believe. If you look at all the packs they are all different as far as available colors. I'm sure there's a good reason.