The Kifaru Tahr

Here is how I set my tahr up. Medium, and large pockets. And I took the elastic cordage off my T1. I like being able to strap my sitting pad or jacket on the outside of the pack for quick access. I don't know the weight, and don't really care. If you can't handle a few more ounces or a couple pounds then you better toughen up and get off the internet. :)

check the website..why is it so critical?? I know that when I have an animal down, and when I am packing it out with my duplex it is going to be comfortable and no sliding down my ass.

Weight is one of the many criteria I have for any piece gear that I have to carry for miles and miles, day after day. The lighter my kit, the better I can hunt. Simple as that. Of course this is assuming comfort, function, durability and other factors remain the same.

Yes, I have been to the website. One of the posted weights is coming in 1/2 pound heavier than the website specs. I always like to see actual user weights as manufacturing variances, material types, etc can effect things.
My Argali came in at 2 lbs 2.1 ozs on my scale so a little over the 1 lb 14.4 ozs on the website. Makes no difference to me though, just curious.
No lid, straight out of the box. My scale could be off though, don't have anything to calibrate it with. I was figuring the extra couple ozs might just be the webbing wraps or some extra webbing length or something.
I'm sure when Kifaru makes the packs and weighs them with a calibrated scale (the same scale every time) that their number is more accurate than some Joe schmo throwing the bag on his old scale that has never been calibrated. Half a pound isn't going to hinder your hunting capabilities, if it does you better get training those legs.
I have to agree, weighing anything on an uncalibrated scale is worthless. In doing that for all you know your entire gear weights overall can be way way off in total. Might as well not even weigh stuff.

I would say at the very least if anyone is going to post mfg weight are off please do it with a calibrated scale so that we are not getting bogus differences. Sorry not to hammer on you dunner:)
No worries, Russ asked so I just put what I saw. I doubt my scale is far off but, like I said, less than 4 oz makes absolutely no difference to me either way. I trust what Kifaru lists over what I get but was still curious.
All my kifaru gear has weight within 2oz or so of listed weights but all I use is a kitchen food scale my wife bought from Sears or some place like that. Close enough in my books to give me a good idea of what my stuff weighs.
Pretty easy to know if your scale is "accurate". Grab a known weight (16oz can or bottle of whatever) and put it on the scale. Take a reading and see how "accurate" your scale reads. Can't tell you how to calibrate anything but at least you'll know how your scale reads weight. (Either +/-)
Pretty easy to know if your scale is "accurate". Grab a known weight (16oz can or bottle of whatever) and put it on the scale. Take a reading and see how "accurate" your scale reads. Can't tell you how to calibrate anything but at least you'll know how your scale reads weight. (Either +/-)

In your example wouldn't the 16oz refer to the volume of the contents and not the weight? I check my kitchen scale with a 1lb gold bar most times : )
Plus his example wouldn't take into account the weight of the bottle as the 16oz is just the fluid. I just use my calibration weight of 1000grams from my reloading scale.
Fluid Ounce" is used for volume, "Ounce" for mass, and they are different. For example, 1 fluid ounce of honey has a mass of about 1.5 ounces! But for water, 1 fluid ounce has a mass of about 1 ounce.

I stole the above example off the web. Easier to just use an actual weight.