The greatest cheap gun you've ever owned?

@roadrunner I bought a stevens model 200 in 2008 for $225 at an academy on black Friday. It was the first gun I bought myself I believe and actually did paperwork on. Mine is in 223 and has killed hundreds of deer and pigs. I shoot one deer a year with it now just to say I didn't miss a year. It has worn several different scopes and used on crop permits and it's one I'd have a real hard time selling. I'll get pictures of it, poor thing has been really used 😂 my buddy asked me a while back how many I reckon we've killed with it and we both laughed.
@roadrunner I bought a stevens model 200 in 2008 for $225 at an academy on black Friday. It was the first gun I bought myself I believe and actually did paperwork on. Mine is in 223 and has killed hundreds of deer and pigs. I shoot one deer a year with it now just to say I didn't miss a year. It has worn several different scopes and used on crop permits and it's one I'd have a real hard time selling. I'll get pictures of it, poor thing has been really used 😂 my buddy asked me a while back how many I reckon we've killed with it and we both laughed.

They aren't the prettiest rifles, but they are shooters for what you pay for them.
T/C venture in 7mm08 compact. Was looking to get my daughter her first big game rifle. Walked into cabelas expecting to buy a ruger American or if I was feeling rich a tikka.
They had this gun for 250$ and with an “moa promise” I figured I had nothing to loose.

That thing has been nothing short of amazing, shooting tiny little groups. Dozens of animals have been taken with it. Not worth much but makes a killer truck gun as tikkas are carried into the field now
I have Venture Compacts in 243 and 308. Dozens of whitetail killed by kids and women in last 7 yrs
Yep still have my 870 in 20 ga I got for Christmas when I was 11( I’m now 44) It was the combo with a rifled slug barrel. That thing is responsible for a lot of filled freezer space from turkeys to whitetail. Still gets used all the damn time
Maverick 88. Shot so many birds and other animals with it. 189.99 and two boxes of shells. I was shooting doves 10 minutes after buying.

Thousands of rounds of game load and probably a few thousand waterfowl loads.

She still works but has issues cycling more shells than not. Need to test their lifetime warranty. If I can get it working again, I don’t think I would go back to shooting my Nova.
No cheap sks or pre ban AKs? I remember tons of adds in shotgun news. S&W highway patrol trade ins 3-4" bbl 357s for 249 etc
All the old surplus ww2 bolt actions.

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No cheap sks or pre ban AKs? I remember tons of adds in shotgun news. S&W highway patrol trade ins 3-4" bbl 357s for 249 etc
All the old surplus ww2 bolt actions.

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Prebans would be worth, what like 30k now?