The do it all self-defense pistol

Recently got an Sig Xten Comp 10mm. The size is between a G19 & G17 (almost same size of Sig p320 Carry). Recoil is more than 9mm but less snappy than a G23 40cal imo (using underwood 220g hard cast 1200fps). Crisp trigger.
What 9mm ammo is everyone ruining for do-all self defense?
This may help with your question.

I run Federal 124 gr. HST in my Shield Plus. 9 mm. I also have a Swampfox Sentinal green dot sight, and mag extension to get my pinky some purchase at the base.
Glock 20. You can never kill a home invader too dead. And 10mm is perfect for defense of any predator in the lower 48. 15+1 mag capacity helps if you’re not a great shot as well. My buddy and I hunt in griz country in Montana and both switched from wheel guns in .44 to 10mm for the extra round capacity, just in case. I find I am much more accurate with my G20 as well. He also brought his to AK for our caribou hunt and we were glad to have it along with our bear fence with the amount of griz we had around camp at all times.
Going the same route. Grizz country in east Idaho.
My answer to the original question would be either the M&P 5.7 (5.7x28mm) or the CZ Shadow 2 Compact (9mm) depending on your caliber preferences. Both can be true "1 gun solutions" and offer unique blends of functionality, shootability, and versatility (e.g., can be used for carry, home defense, and competition). The M&P 5.7 also offering the fourth element of affordability..

I recently traded in my FN 510 (10mm) for the new M&P 5.7 (5.7x28mm) as my griz gun. As much as I shot that FN 510, I just struggled to shot it accurately, especially after that first initial shot. I've looked into the 5.7x28mm round a couple times over the years but always came away unconvinced given terribly expensive ammonition prices and very poor bullet options from factory ammo. That changed however when Hornady jumped on board late last year with the Critical Defense line in 5.7x28mm. Concurrently, practice ammo prices have dive bombed and you can regularily find FN branded practice ammo with the 40gr V-Max in the $0.40 range.

I absolutely love this gun! 22+1 capacity, extremely shooter friendly ergonomics, and with the new Tempo (gas) operating system Smith & Wesson designed on this gun, it has literally zero recoil! It's hard to believe it when you shot this gun.. I'd dare say the recoil is less than my FN 522 (full size 22 pistol) despite it being a lighter gun pushing a much higher horsepower cartridge. I'm pushing 40 gr critical defense loads from Hornady at nearly 1875 fps per my garmin xero. I've never felt more capable with a handgun in my hands in my life.. It's stupid accurate, extremely fast (gas operating system basically eleminates all muzzle rise), plenty capable from a destruction standpoint assuming the correct bullet selection, light and slim for carry if wanted, and well priced. I still have a couple 9mm guns including my beloved CZ 75; however, if push came to shove and I could only have one, I think I'd grab my M&P 5.7.

The one 9mm I would consider as a "1 gun solution" over my M&P 5.7 would be a CZ Shadow 2 Compact. I was shocked at how fast/accurate it was for a 9mm compact, but at $1200 or more, it's just not worth it for me at this point..
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Stock Glock 19. Shoot it enough until you can perform some standards with a holster from various trainers. Then you will know what really makes a difference for how shootable a different gun is and can get into all the triggers, grip angle, red dots, etc.
Glocks,glocks,glocks, I have 4 different glocks but I don't see what is so special about them. I have other pistols I like much better and fit me better. I bought into the cool-aid too and now into them to deep to get out.

Light weight is their strong point. I do not own one because of the grip angle. Prefer cz-p10c,
The Glock 19 and SRO works perfectly on two Glock 19's and a Glock 34. I also use a Jagerwrk's sheild on the SROs. The Jagerwerk's shield offers perfect protection.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned .357 sig.

Currently running a rebarrelled HK P30 .40 caliber to .357 sig. For bad chit in AK I would use 125 grain flat point solid at 1450 FPS.

For anything less I currently run the 90 grain extreme defender monolithic solid striated bullet at 1700 FPS. If you have never smoked anything with a flat point your really missing something. It's a sight to see!

The entire setup is light enough that you will actually carry it
Pretty much all my handguns are "do-all" firearms. Some are just picked for a more specific job. Here's my Glock 23 serving in a rat patrol duty. 81- or 83-yards cold bore near miss. I think it slid right under him and went into his hole lol. 1739977348589.png
100% glock 19. If I could have a second it would be a matching glock 43 for carry with lighter clothing.
For Do-It-All, if that means also occasionally attempting to use it with intent to try it as the primary weapon for taking med/big game. Min 4" bbl because some places have rule of minimum bbl length 4" for legal take of big game.

Went from Ruger Security Six 4" .357 Mag at 39oz, to G29 at 26oz (empty) 10rd.

Since purchasing a P365 and practicing with it, strongly considering trimming my setup down to P365, to shave off another 8oz for steeper places.

Doubt there's anything down here in SoCal a 9mm loaded with Underwood's loading of Xtreme Penetrators wouldn't handle fine at reasonable distances of like 25yds and in.

We don't have Griz. And 400Lbs Black Bear is a Monster down here. Most I've seen look like maybe around my size and below, and I'm like 205-220Lbs range.