This may help with your question.What 9mm ammo is everyone ruining for do-all self defense?
Going the same route. Grizz country in east Idaho.Glock 20. You can never kill a home invader too dead. And 10mm is perfect for defense of any predator in the lower 48. 15+1 mag capacity helps if you’re not a great shot as well. My buddy and I hunt in griz country in Montana and both switched from wheel guns in .44 to 10mm for the extra round capacity, just in case. I find I am much more accurate with my G20 as well. He also brought his to AK for our caribou hunt and we were glad to have it along with our bear fence with the amount of griz we had around camp at all times.
I built the opposite 4 years ago- std slide with 12+1 flush grip.I'll never understand why Sig doesn't offer the 365 with the XL slide & shorter, standard frame. I had to build one for myself & somebody is going to have to get reeeeal inventive to persuade me there's a better carry option.View attachment 662129
Glocks,glocks,glocks, I have 4 different glocks but I don't see what is so special about them. I have other pistols I like much better and fit me better. I bought into the cool-aid too and now into them to deep to get out.
The CZ's have a really nice fit in the palm and are well balanced.Light weight is their strong point. I do not own one because of the grip angle. Prefer cz-p10c,
How do you like that pairing?Glock 19 with Trijicon SRO