The#1 issue affecting hunting?

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Without a doubt its the liberal woke agenda. Implementation of this agenda is a threat to western society as a whole but especially America. The North American Model of Conservation, 1st Amenment and 2nd Amendment are all things the liberal agenda will directly target for being uniquely American in addition to contrast in philosophies.

Proof? It's everywhere. Every organization that implements equity based policy is thrown into turmoil and collapse. Disney, NFL, nba, bud lite. You pick.

An even more alarming comparison to implementation of the liberal woke dei agenda in hunting and conservation would be to the United States military. Traditionally, the type of individual enrolling in the military would have a high likelihood to be a hunter or have interest in hunting. Since implementation of woke dei policies and advertising, the military has seen a catastrophic drop in recruitment. Hunting and public land agencies are starting down that same path. Catastrophic collapse will follow for hunting, wildlife conservation, and public land recreation.
:) :)

edit… been in very REMOTE places,

No woke and liberals aint got nothing to do with it. Stop passively believing what some talking head in NYC is telling you and start thinking for your self.

billionaires are inventing these wedge issues to keep people distracted while they consume everything.

Christ, how many gender changing people you ever encountered?? What have they ever done to you and why NOW is this suddenly an issue?
Answer: it’s an effective BS wedge issue. it’s mentioned every day on media because someone is distracting us from REAL issues.

You see it in transfer of BLM lands to states. States do not have the budget to maintain large tracts of land. The super wealthy know this and intend to use this as a way to buy them, lease them and otherwise lock these lands away from the common man..
You see access to existing PUBLIC BLM lands (and trout streams) being taken away, effectively conserving all the wild game for those wealthy enough to own the surrounding land.

off-point, but still important: BLM land goes across state borders, animals need these large contiguous areas to even survive. I also hear the Wyoming governor is putting different development in the way of an ancient Pronghorn migration path, that’s been used for a millennia.

You keep being distracted, maybe you’ll “beat the libs” (or whatever drivel they are currently feeding you as a fake “accomplishment”) but eventually you’ll find your ability to hunt will have a new $10,000 “land access fee” payable to some private hedge fund one day.
…or be completely locked out of your most prized trout stream.

I’d suggest you go find some of those liberal tree huggers who love to bike, camp hike and find common ground so we can ALL STAND OUR GROUND against those who will sell our common heritage away.
I think you are totally missing the point and creating “wedge” issues of your own. Hunting is under attack in states like Washington and Colorado as the Governors appoint anti-hunting, animal rights activists to the wildlife commissions. It appears your own bias makes you incapable of seeing that. No one said anything about gender. You brought that up. I will acknowledge that public land transfer is a potential issue but it is not the most pressing in many western states. PLT is incredibly unpopular in most western states. Seems you are more concerned with dividing hunters based on economic status “the rich hunters are gonna take your land!”, class warfare, right out of the Marxist playbook. Sounds kinda like a “wedge” to me.
I realize that everyone has stated their case unequivocally. However, I really don’t see how anyone can make a case for anything other than habitat (and its protection) being the number one issue.

Have y’all seen the rate of suburban expansion? I realize the west is immune to some of this-but if you think it’s crowded now, wait until all that’s left is public.

The next generation will have some guns. Even if the libs get some concessions.
They will have limited seasons, especially if we don’t show up to the meetings.

But none of that will matter when there’s no place to hunt…

Access to AFFORDABLE hunting ground is the single biggest barrier we’ll have moving forward. In my opinion.

But please be engaged. And please vote pro 2A. B
Have y’all seen the rate of suburban expansion? I realize the west is immune to some of this-but if you think it’s crowded now, wait until all that’s left is public.

Yep look at what’s happening to Wyoming Pronghorn migration routes. ‘Effing subdivision getting built!!

(Kudos to field and stream and outdoor life for keeping us informed of these things)
Lack of participation in politics, conservation groups, game commissions, 2A support organizations, ect…

I think lack of participation is the #1 issue.
I would agree. Hunters and legal gun owners as a group could be a dominant force setting policy and direction. Hunter apathy is killing us.

If every hunter did just a tiny bit…we would blow the antis out of the water.
Technology. Progress. Advancement. It makes everything easier. Easier to research and apply for tags, easier to pay for when you don’t have to use real money, easier to know where to go and how to do it. Tech has broken down all barriers to entry. You don’t have to earn it anymore. And as humans, we’re more lethal. Dope cutting optics, Bluetooth scopes, ballistic apps, BTX doublers, thermal, nothing is safe.

Make hunting hard again.

1. Paper applications and no credit cards.
2. Fixed archery sights and 3 pins max.
3. No scopes and exposed ignition muzzleloaders.
4. 4x max magnification on centerfire rifles
5. Banish all “influencers” to a life of hard labor.
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edit… been in very REMOTE places,

No woke and liberals aint got nothing to do with it. Stop passively believing what some talking head in NYC is telling you and start thinking for your self.

billionaires are inventing these wedge issues to keep people distracted while they consume everything.

Christ, how many gender changing people you ever encountered?? What have they ever done to you and why NOW is this suddenly an issue?
Answer: it’s an effective BS wedge issue. it’s mentioned every day on media because someone is distracting us from REAL issues.

You see it in transfer of BLM lands to states. States do not have the budget to maintain large tracts of land. The super wealthy know this and intend to use this as a way to buy them, lease them and otherwise lock these lands away from the common man..
You see access to existing PUBLIC BLM lands (and trout streams) being taken away, effectively conserving all the wild game for those wealthy enough to own the surrounding land.

off-point, but still important: BLM land goes across state borders, animals need these large contiguous areas to even survive. I also hear the Wyoming governor is putting different development in the way of an ancient Pronghorn migration path, that’s been used for a millennia.

You keep being distracted, maybe you’ll “beat the libs” (or whatever drivel they are currently feeding you as a fake “accomplishment”) but eventually you’ll find your ability to hunt will have a new $10,000 “land access fee” payable to some private hedge fund one day.
…or be completely locked out of your most prized trout stream.

I’d suggest you go find some of those liberal tree huggers who love to bike, camp hike and find common ground so we can ALL STAND OUR GROUND against those who will sell our common heritage away.
I worked on a college campus for 7 years starting in’16. There was one transgender person on campus in ‘16, by January of this year I saw 8 in the first week of classes. It’s a big social contagion in young impressionable people
I think the #1 issue is going to be different in different areas

In the pacific NW areas I hunt, I truly believe predators are the number 1 issue.
Yet somehow the prey managed to survive for millennia with the predators present. Man gets involved, including hunters, and things go south.
Hunters are the number problem facing hunting.

In today's environment you could not get the support of hunters to pass the equivalent of the Pittman-Robertson act even if it guaranteed unlimited hunting for life. Hunters are no different than anyone else in society; bitch and moan, not their problem, and let someone else pay for it.

Hunters will claim more folks need to hunt to keep it going, then cry like school girls when they don't have exclusive access to hunt millions of acres. Hunters bitch about social media then portray themselves as being bad ass hunters on social media and other web sites. Hunters complain about poor stewardship of the outdoors yet are some of the biggest destroyers of it. Nothing like going through the hunting woods during and after the seasons to see the landscape dotted "Hershey Kisses", trashed roads, ruts in no-vehicle zones, litter everywhere, etc.

We make it too easy for the anti-hunting crowd.
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I think it’s hard to narrow down to one thing. As with most things, it’s a melting pot of issues. If I had to sum it up, I think the monetization of hunting is changing it the most. A lot of people make a business of hunting, from hunting shows and social media, to hunting gear, to private land leases and outfitting. The amount of money people have, businesses like onx(which I use), and the ease of travel has destroyed “local” spots and “secret” spots. Being a hunter athlete with cool gear is all the rage. In certain areas of the west, there is a lot more pressure and competition on public.

I’m not saying all of this is bad necessarily. But it is undoubtedly changing the world of hunting at a fast pace. Hunting is not the same game it was even 10 years ago. It will be interesting to see where it is in another 10.
Hunters are the number problem facing hunting.

In today's environment you could not get the support of hunters to pass the equivalent of the Pittman-Robertson act even if it guaranteed unlimited hunting for life. Hunters are no different than anyone else in society; bitch and moan, not their problem, and let someone else pay for it.

Hunters will claim more folks need to hunt to keep it going, then cry like school girls when they don't have exclusive access to hunt millions of acres. Hunters bitch about social media then portray themselves as being bad ass hunters on social media and other web sites. Hunters complain about poor stewardship of the outdoors yet are some of the biggest destroyers of it. Nothing like going through the hunting woods during and after the seasons to see the landscape dotted "Hershey Kisses", trashed roads, ruts in no-vehicle zones, litter everywhere, etc.

We make it too easy for the anti-hunting crowd due.
We don’t need more hunters anymore.
Man is a predator, and one of the species on this planet

Living in a fantasy land, where you ignore that fact doesn't make a lot of sense to me
Same BS was promoted by when they reintroduced wolves into AZ. The elk, mule deer, whitetail, turkey, etc are doing fine. Crazy that livestock as well are doing well enough (outside lack of water in some parts). This is 100% opposite of what the self-professed experts claims would happen.

I guess it does depend on one's viewpoint. With some folks's head shoved up their butts, they only see poop which makes sense considering the garbage they spew. Others whose heads are not up their butts, tend to see things more clearly.

All game needs to be managed but the constant doom and gloom being pimped by the anti-predator crowd needs to go away.
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