Wrist strap?

I use one but that's because I carry my bow with a Sling-a-ling at times, which attaches to a wrist strap. It's not a bother.
I took mine off about 10 years ago. Most people I see still have one. I wonder how many people drop their bows? Seems totally useless to me.
Always had one , But on my lift I just tied 550 cord in instead much prefer the small profile but think I need the safety net of having something there if that makes sense.
How often do you drop your bow and the wrist strap catches it?
At least a few times each shoot session. When I'm working on mechanics or taking a long shot, I'll often leave my bow hand fingers open and let the bow fall back or forward (direction depending on stab weight & length) and get caught by the wrist strap.
When hiking my bow in my hand all day during elk season, I hold it so the string/cams are towards the ground, my hand is around the backside of the grip, and my thumb is resting on the arrow shelf. I find holding it like this the most comfortable, and I have a neoprene wrist strap that nicely braces against my wrist so I don’t have to actually grip the bow very tightly, I just stabilize it and the wrist strap against my wrist does most of the ‘heavy lifting’. I don’t feel I need it to take shots, it just makes hiking around with my bow way more comfortable.
