Without a doubt its the liberal woke agenda. Implementation of this agenda is a threat to western society as a whole but especially America. The North American Model of Conservation, 1st Amenment and 2nd Amendment are all things the liberal agenda will directly target for being uniquely American in addition to contrast in philosophies.
Proof? It's everywhere. Every organization that implements equity based policy is thrown into turmoil and collapse. Disney, NFL, nba, bud lite. You pick.
An even more alarming comparison to implementation of the liberal woke dei agenda in hunting and conservation would be to the United States military. Traditionally, the type of individual enrolling in the military would have a high likelihood to be a hunter or have interest in hunting. Since implementation of woke dei policies and advertising, the military has seen a catastrophic drop in recruitment. Hunting and public land agencies are starting down that same path. Catastrophic collapse will follow for hunting, wildlife conservation, and public land recreation.