The#1 issue affecting hunting?

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I don’t have any issue with where he hunts. I can’t stand listening to him talk about hunting because most of the stuff he says isn’t accurate.
I get it, that's why I said I agreed with you. But, overall, I think he is helping the hunting cause.
I guess it does depend on one's viewpoint. With some folks's head shoved up their butts, they only see poop which makes sense considering the garbage they spew. Others whose heads are not up their butts, tend to see things more clearly.

Can't argue with this one!! My Favorite post in this entire thread! One of the most prodigious comments I have every read in here. I mean , this is totally correct! Drop the microphone and walk out! BAM!
I listen to Rogan often and tend to agree with you to a point. But, like many have said here on this thread, hunters are their own worst enemies. Rogan has a HUGE voice and has most likely had a positive impact on how many non-hunters view hunting. I'll take that as a win in the grand scheme of things to help our side. If he wants to hunt ranches and that's his view, fine, it doesn't bother me. I'm sure almost everyone on here wouldn't turn down the chance to hunt that ranch. Putting down Rogan for using his platform to talk about his positive view/experience with hunting....shooting ourselves in the foot, to say it again, standard procedure for hunters.
Sorry I don’t buy it as a win
I could care less that he hunts ranches
the part where it rubs me and I don’t consider it a win at all
is when for me wxample his recent one with Tim Kennedy they are begging people to get into hunting and applying for NR draws meanwhile all they do is ranch hunts while inviting us peasants to continue to crowd already crowded public lands
Right and center-right is a big tent. I'd rather Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians not act in lockstep.

The rot in the Democrat ranks ---you know you see it---is that there is NO room for discussion.

Agreed.. I wasn't trying to make this a political conversation, and the ONLY point i was making is that Dems are united in their thoughts and directives. They are also RARELY on the defensive.. We as outdoorsman should take some notes on how we can accomplish that.
One major problem I see that has barely been touched on at all in this thread is the Non resident vs resident hate that we see right here on rokslide every day.

I would definitely say this too is a top problem but not our #1 priority. People get rather possessive of something they don't actually own. The reality is, the state DNR sets tags limits for tag allocations(i'm speaking in generality so don't get your knickers in a twist), so why shouldn't someone else try their hand at hunting in a different state? I hunt out of state maybe 3x a year. Generally though its for waterfowl and small game.
Well said - every point is spot on.
The woke liberal agenda pushed for and removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the front of the Museum of Natural History in NY. This statue was one of the most iconic statues in America and reminded every visitor to the museum of Roosevelt's legacy including conservation, public land, and hunting as a conservation tool per the North American Model of Conservation. The removal of the Roosevelt Statue was part of the beginning NOT the end of a movement to remake and reshape America society. The removal of the statue of Roosevelt makes it perfectly clear that the remake that the liberal woke movement seeks does not include the North American Model of Conservation, hunting or public land hunting.
Hunting is starting to be perceived as a hobby of conservatives only, which is a sure fire way to get it banned in left-leaning states. Hunter's will need to show that we are conservationists foremost and engaged in a beautiful, traditional activity that has much to recommend it to folks of all political stripes.
But I can’t stand half the country and they’re my enemies!! They don’t even have a right to live, much less enjoy the same sort of recreation that I enjoy, even though it may be the thing that changes their perspective over to mine

Oh wait
Who is voting against hunting seasons on apex predators? Libs
Who is voting for "re-introduction" of apex predators? Libs
Who is voting to attack the 2nd Amendment? Libs
Who got outraged about Cecil the Lion? Libs
Who gets their feelings hurt with grip n grins on the internet? Libs
Who bastardized the term "trophy hunting"? Libs
Who values time in cities over time in nature? Libs
Who is attacking the traditional male role in society and encouraging the wussification of society? Libs
Who sponsors anti-hunting organizations like PETA? Libs
Who does Disney (the perpetuator of countless movies that personify animals) pander to? Libs

See a pattern here?
East- numbers going down do to lack of access . West -numbers going up with higher demand but less oportunity do to limited tags . Overall i belive the longterm goal is to phase out the 2 legged predator and replace him with a 4 legged one so there is " perfect harmony " in the ecosystem without "evil human " intrusion. Here in minnesota the number of timberwolves are WAY over estimates and no where near endangered . Wheres the science on predator management ? There is not a biologist that could look you in the eye and truthfully tell you they are endangered. There should be a season to manage them . Its All political science from the feds.
hey lied to to the populace to introduce wolves with no management plan? Im shocked lol. I grew up in NW WI and used to bow hunt the rut for 20 plus years. I stopped returning home the hunting declined so rapidly due to unmanned wolves. Its sad when you get 5 wolves to one deer , usually a young doe, on game cams
Without a doubt its the liberal woke agenda. Implementation of this agenda is a threat to western society as a whole but especially America. The North American Model of Conservation, 1st Amenment and 2nd Amendment are all things the liberal agenda will directly target for being uniquely American in addition to contrast in philosophies.

Proof? It's everywhere. Every organization that implements equity based policy is thrown into turmoil and collapse. Disney, NFL, nba, bud lite. You pick.

An even more alarming comparison to implementation of the liberal woke dei agenda in hunting and conservation would be to the United States military. Traditionally, the type of individual enrolling in the military would have a high likelihood to be a hunter or have interest in hunting. Since implementation of woke dei policies and advertising, the military has seen a catastrophic drop in recruitment. Hunting and public land agencies are starting down that same path. Catastrophic collapse will follow for hunting, wildlife conservation, and public land recreation.
Disney? Seen the stock price?
NFL? Buckets of $$$.
NBA? Bench guys make 8 figures a year.
Just a quick thought regarding the perceived threat on here from liberal folks... I do not question that some of the recent anti-hunting policy has come from people that lean left (this is a fact), but I would urge you all, respectfully, to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I am liberal on lots of issues and moderate on others and I hunt a lot. I know many, many other folks that would call themselves liberal and either hunt or support it.

I think the pro/against hunting divide that gets ascribed to partisanship has more to do with the urban/rural split than a fundamental difference in how liberals/conservatives think. This matters because it is absolutely true that most anti-hunting policies are enacted in heavily urban areas that tend to skew left. We all know this. What is interesting to think about is how much we could gain from well-spoken hunters that are moderate or left-leaning, speaking out regarding how critical hunting is for management.

The future of hunting will require us to build bridges, particularly in states like WA and CA, and it will require convincing more non-hunters that there are legitimate reasons to hunt. This doesn't mean those folks need to become hunters, they just need to know more about what it means to be an ethical, conservation-minded hunter and the importance of that role for ecosystem management. That is a message that could be sold to most people (and, indeed, most folks still support hunting, at least in some form).
People are the reason, we are increasing at an alarming rate. And more and more people, don't get to or want to experience hunting. They are becoming the majority, and vote that way. If they don't want to, or feel the need to, nobody else should either. It's pretty obvious really.
With as many times as it has been said already (social media influencers, access and habitat loss, other hunters, etc...) I wonder why more of you all aren't on board with the Hunt Quietly movement??

Seems like besides the political stuff, that those are the most common responses.
The biggest problem is a lack of new people getting into hunting, kids mainly. This has been going on 25-30 years? Maybe longer. I tried to get mine into it. My son did for about 10 years, lost interest about the time he went to college.

Got my daughter out squirrel hunting once, I think she was 12. She had a great time, but it didn't take hold. I asked her about it a few days ago, actually. She looked at me like I had a 3rd eye. She's 25 now. She helped me load a deer onto the back of my RZR last week, and about lost her mind because she got blood on her hands.
The "Blue side" rabidly doing everything in their power to make access and affordability of firearms hard for those on the lower end of the payscale.

Too many closed roads in SoCal.

Gas prices the way the are in SoCal.

People not doing enough to encourage Women and minorities to get into shooting. And later on trying hunting.

The negative portrayal of Hunters as "Bad Guys" in Movies and shows.

The lack of education going on in our schools, so these derps think you're harming the populations. And, just doing it because you're "cruel" or "sick". It's soo bizarre the cognitive dissonance these people have!

Also... the way we as a species socially trend towards dividing up into various Tribal groups. It makes it easier for the elites to politically still have power over us, because they get ALLLL these other groups to be hopping mad at the ones THEY don't like.. and then just let these dummies, and their votes, to the heavy-lifting for them. In the last 25yrs or so.... the Left has become EXPERTS at making use of simple InGroup vs OutGroup psychology/Tribalism, commonly referred to as "Identity Politics" to laughably easily manipulate the under-educated less-cerebral masses.
Eh I’d disagree with the first statement. I’d bet you those pushing the anti hunting sentiments are 100% “liberals” doesn’t mean that are liberals are anti hunting but all anti-hunters are liberal if you catch my drift
I know more than a few "conservative Christian" anti hunters.

I think modern society is the biggest issue. Not any specific threat, but a million flashy distractions. Plenty of people who like to hunt, but don't because there's so many other options.
The woke liberal agenda pushed for and removed the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the front of the Museum of Natural History in NY. This statue was one of the most iconic statues in America and reminded every visitor to the museum of Roosevelt's legacy including conservation, public land, and hunting as a conservation tool per the North American Model of Conservation. The removal of the Roosevelt Statue was part of the beginning NOT the end of a movement to remake and reshape America society. The removal of the statue of Roosevelt makes it perfectly clear that the remake that the liberal woke movement seeks does not include the North American Model of Conservation, hunting or public land hunting.

Under-rated post ...
Of course this spiraled into finger pointing and those F'ing guys across the aisle aways ruin everything thread.

Identifying the problem is easy, now it's time to move onto fixing it.

Maybe start by asking yourself -- what have I done lately to support hunting? If you come up with an answer go ahead and start a new post about it. I'd love to see all the new ways Roksliders are actively making a difference.

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