Texas school shooting

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I have worked in the capacity of a school resource officer for a few semesters during my time as a police officer. I think that security in the normal sense can help but is not a solution. As @cnelk said before, the students and staff bypass most any structural security on day one. Hiring security is not a solution because those qualified will not work for what the position pays. Placing a SRO at every school takes a huge investment, and may be the best thing to HELP, but is far from the absolute that people associate a solution being. Likewise with arming teachers except for the investment part from a financial perspective.

I think what @robby denning eluded to above with his reference to religion/church that is missing is a sense of community and social relationships. While school shootings and "mass" shootings have been taking place since the mid 50's, the frequency has increased. I believe that with technology making the world smaller, it has had the effect of distancing the individual from local ties, relationships, involvement, and interactions. The result is that people don't care about each other and have no bond with their fellow person, only with their technology tied interfaces. Those who are growing up, or grew up with the idea that "social" meant interacting through technology on a worldwide scale developed with the concept that reality is tied to those rather than out their front door. I think that this makes it a very simple thing to view the life of those they can physically interact with as not having value, as not having any connection to them, and as "them".

Because of this, I think the long term solution is encouraging personal relationships, commitments, and activities IN PERSON with our youth and young adults. "Young adults" being under the age of 30. The reason for this is I believe that all of the synapses that occur with the sensory immersion of in person interaction are beyond strong enough to overcome any urge to harm. We have seen examples of this for decades where those who become school shooters have told others not to be present, or "spared" those who they liked, etc. It is the same reason why gangs will do terrible things to their competition, but treat their own with amazing love and loyalty; the connection.

So, I think the long-term solution is a return to community and interpersonal connections.

I agree with the theory how do you implement it? How do you make it happen?

Goal without a plan is a wish. It’s easy to come up with these great ideas. Returning to God, bringing the community gather, putting fathers back in homes, how do you make it happen.
If I’m understanding you, you’re saying tax churches to pay for school security?

The money has to come from somewhere. Schools are struggling to pay teachers you think they’re going to be able to pay highly qualified SRO or private security.
It’s easy to come up with great ideas until you start putting a pencil to it and have to figure out how you’re going to pay for it. Where does the money come from. Nobody wants their favorite thing taxed, nobody wants to pay more in property tax, teachers don’t wanna have to take a pay cut to cover the security costs.

In my town we have two school buildings. Even if you hired a new recruit fresh out of the Academy you’re looking 45,000 a year plus benefits. So probably close to $100,000 for 7:30 to 3:30 security. You’ll be paying overtime if you want them at afterschool events.
I know for a fact the school district couldn’t cover the cost. If the local police department could cover the cost they would just have two more officers on the road.
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If I’m understanding you, you’re saying tax churches to pay for school security?
I'm in the camp of no church should be tax exempt. I would be ok with that money going to fund schools in general. I do not know if extra school security is the answer to all these shootings, what I do know as a former teacher is that many school districts are underfunded in my opinion.
If I’m understanding you, you’re saying tax churches to pay for school security?
How bout the Entertainment industry that profits on gun violence for kids enjoyment.
Movie producers, TV stations, Streaming services, Video game manufactures.

By the time a kid is old enough to get a gun, he is numb to this stuff.
Not a bad idea. I have a feeling Hollyweird is going to be opposed to it.
I agree with the theory how do you implement it? How do you make it happen?

Goal without a plan is a wish. It’s easy to come up with these great ideas. Returning to God, bringing the community gather, putting fathers back in homes, how do you make it happen.

As a parent we will make sure that our son is involved in sports, community activities that cover other age groups, and recognizes the feelings those relationships bring about within him.

As a society, we can elect officials whose actions are focused on bringing folks together rather than instigating and dividing, vote for funding of initiatives that are geared towards in person interaction i.e. approve that parks and rec. funding before online school grants, and in general just looking after each other.

How many folks on here know the name of their neighbors? I would bet that number is drastically lower compared to the number of neighbors they knew growing up or that their parents knew.
Buzz, unless I’m missing something, you’re bordering on smart ass here.

but in case you’re not, I’ll answer the question.

Churches aren‘t causing the problem. If anything, they have the potential to prevent it.
Not at all I always thought churches wanted to help their communities with more than words?

Putting your money where your mouth is doesn't seem inappropriate. Guards don't work for free, training isn't free, and buying handguns for teachers isn't free either.

I guess it's someone else's problem to fund all that.

Maybe a bake sale will work?
I'm in the camp of no church should be tax exempt. I would be ok with that money going to fund schools in general. I do not know if extra school security is the answer to all these shootings, what I do know as a former teacher is that many school districts are underfunded in my opinion.
OK I understand. So to answer the question, churches are not causing the school shooting, if anything they might prevent it. To tax them would feel like a punishment to the one entity that’s trying to change peoples hearts toward the good of people.
As a parent we will make sure that our son is involved in sports, community activities that cover other age groups, and recognizes the feelings those relationships bring about within him.

As a society, we can elect officials whose actions are focused on bringing folks together rather than instigating and dividing, vote for funding of initiatives that are geared towards in person interaction i.e. approve that parks and rec. funding before online school grants, and in general just looking after each other.

How many folks on here know the name of their neighbors? I would bet that number is drastically lower compared to the number of neighbors they knew growing up or that their parents knew.
I agree 100% we just need to figure out how to make the 2nd paragraph happen. Seems like we’re moving the other direction.
Not at all I always thought churches wanted to help their communities with more than words?

Putting your money where your mouth is doesn't seem inappropriate. Guards don't work for free, training isn't free, and buying handguns for teachers isn't free either.

I guess it's someone else's problem to fund all that.

Maybe a bake sale will work?
The church I attend helps lots of people in the community beyond even bake sales. We help people that aren’t even members of the church with money, housing, and much much more. To say all we put out his words is not fair
Gamer i bet …..

HTF did he get in the school?
Finally, back to legitimate question...

I haven't seen a definitive, but looks like either shot out window in secured door and was able to open it that way...or shot out a window next to secure door and entered that way.

There is a lot to be done on hardening and securing schools...
The church I attend helps lots of people in the community beyond even bake sales. We help people that aren’t even members of the church with money, housing, and much much more. To say all we put out his words is not fair
To not share in the needed funding to protect school children isn't what I would call fair either.

I am more than willing to fund my share and I think it's a fair expectation for others, including, but not limited to churches, to do the same.
To not share in the needed funding to protect school children isn't what I would call fair either.

I am more than willing to fund my share and I think it's a fair expectation for others, including, but not limited to churches, to do the same.
If the opportunity arises to “fund” vs tax, don’t count my church out as they do support the community beyond bake sales and words.

And good on you that you’d fund it too. My memory is short and there’s a lot of pages on this thread but I thought you were saying guarding schools wouldn’t work anyway.
Bigotry comes in all forms apparently...

In the meantime, Robert Francis O'Rourke (aka my judge daddy gets me off DUI charges) shoots himself in foot and gets kicked out of Uvalde news briefing

Not at all I always thought churches wanted to help their communities with more than words?

Putting your money where your mouth is doesn't seem inappropriate. Guards don't work for free, training isn't free, and buying handguns for teachers isn't free either.

I guess it's someone else's problem to fund all that.

Maybe a bake sale will work?

Are you seriously trying to say Churches/Religion don’t pull their weight in society ? You can’t be that jaded.

It’s shocking that you are the face of a non profit organization if you can’t grasp that concept.
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