Counter point: when we start having 30 to 80 typically male teenagers crashing cars into groups of school children we can work on those problems. If you say mental health is the problem (it is for sure A problem). You the have to ask why does the USA have so many more school shootings Vs other countries??? Is it that we have so much worse mental health problems? (Answer is No) is it because we have less secure schools? (Answer again is No) or is it because we are a gun loving country with easy access, low barriers to obtainment, and the same problems above that other countries have? (Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!!)
Saying guns are the problem may not be entirely right, but saying that guns are "not the problem" is equally false. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. . . But in countries with less guns, less people are killing other people with guns.
I'm not saying ban guns, I'm not saying enact more laws, but I am saying think critically on things, do serious research and recognize the facts involved in the case.
Then It boils down to one of two things, option A you want change and support some form of gun control. Option B, it's the cost of doing business. It sounds heartless when out that way, but that is what it is when your 2A rights are untouchable (again not saying they shouldn't be merely presenting the case for you the jury to decide).
More security might help, or might be the first one shot.
Those that want more monitoring of these people and their Facebook accounts are you good with red flag laws so cops can take their guns when there are "warning signs"???
It's a shitty world today, but this weekend most of us will bbq and forget about this while family's in Texas bury their 8 year olds.