Texas school shooting

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I don’t understand why we never get a complete psychological profile of any of these incidents. The story simply disappears until it’s served it’s purpose.

What prescriptions are they on ?
What’s their home life like ?
What were the warning signs ?
Tell us about their family afterwards.
What video games and types of media were they involved in ?

Instead we blame a gun. It’s the laziest action possible. It solves absolutely nothing.

How many times do we have to watch these events happen and see that nearly EVERY time giant warning signs were ignored.

Instead we get to watch the media and politicians salivate on how they can use it to push their narrative. Or sweep it away if it doesn’t fit the correct one.

It’s all disgusting and tiresome.

I agree with this 100%. What’s the common denominator with these people? Depression, anti-depressants etc? Seems making them famous in the media just compounds the problem too. Media is to blame for that. Just makes the next crazed individual want to do something bigger. We have had guns as a society for a long time and only in the last 10 years maybe this has started to become rampant.

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I snuggled my kids more last night than I have in a while. A nightmare is being lived by so many parents today.

I want to know how we got to a point where there are so many young men who, in the prime of their lives, choose violence and destruction over taking on the challenge of living with a head held high. I have my opinions as to what could be causing this but I don't know if we will ever really know.

If we launch ourselves at the throats of our neighbor the shooter gets what he wanted. To cause pain as a result of evil action is easy. Living a productive life is hard. We need to make living look like the better option.
Nah, gun lobby will push to arm children instead.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership, but I need license, registration and insurance to drive a Prius. I think we can do better on gun control while not infringing on 2A rights.

Extremists on both ends leave zero room for actionable compromise and reduced gun violence.
Wait.... registraition and insurance as a prereq ro own a firearm is exactly what you would call an infingement. Believing you have a natural right to self defense and a citizen with no mental or criminal disqualifiers should be able to own and carry a firearm is not an extremist stance.
I’m not a democrat, or a Republican. I refuse to subscribe to any corporate platform telling me how to believe on each individual issue.

We can all agree that mass shootings happen too often, correct? Gun violence is way too high, undeniably. I just can’t wrap my head around the arguments that the solution is MORE GUNS to solve gun violence.

I’m a gun nut myself. Assault rifles, high capacity handguns, suppressors, hunting rifles, etc. I love them. They’re awesome. However, I’m fine admitting they were all to easy to buy. I should be allowed to purchase them, but I’d be fine with stricter background checks, cool off periods, mental health evaluations, increased liability should my guns be used to commit crimes. Force gun owners and sellers to be better.

As a father with school age children, I don’t think turning each school into a super max prison facility is a feasible solution.

We also need better monitoring of mentally ill. We need increased prosecution of criminals. The media has a role here as copycats are too common. No silver bullet solution.

But due to ignorant red team/blue team paralysis, comprehensive solutions are impossible.
You are a gun nut and use terms like assault rifle and high capacity? Ok...you already have liability if your guns are used in a crime and you acted negligent...people have been prosecuted for such things. But you now want people to be held liable just for owning a firearm?
Nah, gun lobby will push to arm children instead.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership, but I need license, registration and insurance to drive a Prius. I think we can do better on gun control while not infringing on 2A rights.

Extremists on both ends leave zero room for actionable compromise and reduced gun violence.
I am sure all the responsible criminals will rush out to get a permit, license, etc..... 0-compromise, laws hurt those who follow them not criminals. Hunters who want bans and laws are the worst enemy we have. 2nd amendment isn't about shooting deer.
This country needs to stop celebrating mental illness and start treating it. Guns aren't the issue. Weird how there's never a call to ban cars when one is used in a mass attack.
From a picture I saw on his Facebook page it appears he used a Daniel Defense AR among other weapons, where did he get $5k+ To purchase them?

Has anyone seen his parents?
Maybe we should take a day to think of the fragility of life and the sorrow the families are going through before we go for each other's throats.

This makes my gut turn having a wife as a teacher and nieces in school. I can't imagine sending your kids to school to have their lives stripped away at the hands of a senseless murderer.
You are correct, but biden didnt hesitate. He made sure yo say "Use this pain to control guns".
I think you will see liability stretch to parents, stores, privates sales, and manufacturers. You see it with the opioid crisis. Heck if a bartender serves a person and they cause an accident, they can be held liable along with the restaurant. I believe the responsibility of owning guns will grow.
Every time I try to make sense of these senseless tragedy's, I come up with - 'Our youths are desensitized to gun violence'.
They grew up watching movies with these acts, as entertainment.
And playing video games, where they can be the one, doing the shooting.

It sure seems like accessibility to these things for kids, are the place to start, when making a change.

Maybe Hollywood should pay a 'Violence tax' when making money off that crap.
There are no simple answers, if there were, these things would not be happening. We know it's not more gun laws that will solve the problem. If I remember correctly, there are over twenty thousand gun laws on the books, and it still happens. I truly believe a major contributing factor is those who are always pushing through more gun laws are the same ones who will defend the perpetuator when he or she commits a crime involving a weapon. It wasn't his fault, he had a terrible childhood, he never was given the opportunity to make himself a better person and rise above the poor quality of life he was raised in, he was the victim of bullying and no one cared. Ect. ect. If someone uses a weapon in the commission of a crime or carries out one of theses mass shootings, there should be no plea bargaining, they should receive the max. sentencing and made to serve the entire sentence. I think those types of crime should either be given life sentence without the possibility of parole or receive the death sentence. And finally law enforcement needs to stop ignoring red flag warnings. So many times after one of these shooting we find out there were signs and they were not followed up on or just brushed aside. Stop making excuses for these people.
There are no simple answers, if there were, these things would not be happening. We know it's not more gun laws that will solve the problem. If I remember correctly, there are over twenty thousand gun laws on the books, and it still happens. I truly believe a major contributing factor is those who are always pushing through more gun laws are the same ones who will defend the perpetuator when he or she commits a crime involving a weapon. It wasn't his fault, he had a terrible childhood, he never was given the opportunity to make himself a better person and rise above the poor quality of life he was raised in, he was the victim of bullying and no one cared. Ect. ect. If someone uses a weapon in the commission of a crime or carries out one of theses mass shootings, there should be no plea bargaining, they should receive the max. sentencing and made to serve the entire sentence. I think those types of crime should either be given life sentence without the possibility of parole or receive the death sentence. And finally law enforcement needs to stop ignoring red flag warnings. So many times after one of these shooting we find out there were signs and they were not followed up on or just brushed aside. Stop making excuses for these people.
Agreed. The current society we live in does not hold people accountable for their actions.
The American public has grown numb to these shootings, I have too.

Its the cost of doing business in a free society. Bury the dead and wait for the next one, that's the only answer.
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