Texas school shooting

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You don’t need a license or registration to drive a Prius, the car will drive without either of those. Hell you don’t even need to own the car to operate it. You could steal a car, drive a 100mph without a license (maybe not in a Prius) into a crowd. How does the license and registration thing fit in? Better Mental health care is the right answer. That’s a whole giant thing that’s not real sensational doesn’t make money or get votes so…
Counter point: when we start having 30 to 80 typically male teenagers crashing cars into groups of school children we can work on those problems. If you say mental health is the problem (it is for sure A problem). You the have to ask why does the USA have so many more school shootings Vs other countries??? Is it that we have so much worse mental health problems? (Answer is No) is it because we have less secure schools? (Answer again is No) or is it because we are a gun loving country with easy access, low barriers to obtainment, and the same problems above that other countries have? (Ding ding ding we have a winner!!!!)

Saying guns are the problem may not be entirely right, but saying that guns are "not the problem" is equally false. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. . . But in countries with less guns, less people are killing other people with guns.

I'm not saying ban guns, I'm not saying enact more laws, but I am saying think critically on things, do serious research and recognize the facts involved in the case.

Then It boils down to one of two things, option A you want change and support some form of gun control. Option B, it's the cost of doing business. It sounds heartless when out that way, but that is what it is when your 2A rights are untouchable (again not saying they shouldn't be merely presenting the case for you the jury to decide).

More security might help, or might be the first one shot.

Those that want more monitoring of these people and their Facebook accounts are you good with red flag laws so cops can take their guns when there are "warning signs"???

It's a shitty world today, but this weekend most of us will bbq and forget about this while family's in Texas bury their 8 year olds. Those are just facts.
Murder is always murder
The tools vary from murderer to murderer
Trying to rid society of the tools used to commit these crimes would result in what ? No vehicles of any kind, No firearms, No knives, No clubs ?????
When will the light bulb come on and EVERYONE see it the individual to blame
We've lived in a time when no one wants to be responsible for their own action and held accountable for their own deeds

I leave you with this quote
Action is the blossom of thought, joy and suffering are its fruit

James Allen
probably just need to make murder illegal or 18 year old carrying a gun on school grounds illegal or 18 year old in possession of a handgun illegal....those things will work. just pass some common sense laws.....but do not allow teachers to be armed as that would be bad. This is all political and disarming the USA population is the agenda. What would actually work will not even be considered.
It’s interesting to me how many people point to other countries with lower incident rates via reduced/restricted access to guns….but rarely acknowledged the reduced freedoms those other counties also suffer from.

It reminds me of people arguing for socialized medicine (Canada as an example), while ignoring the tax rate necessary to fund that approach.

There is indeed a higher risk of gun violence in America than many (most) other developed countries….but if that’s all that mattered we’d all be responding on our computers from England, Canada, Australia, and the like. We’re not though (most of us anyway), because America is still
the best, freest country in the world…and gun ownership is a part of that too.

About as much as liberals are bad at keeping any citizens safe. Go ask Schumer or the troll in Chicago. I’ll take my chances in a republican state any day over a democratic run one….just sayin.
The partisan blame game is always productive and a great way to solve an issue...

Seems chances were taken in Texas, didn't end well...partisan politics didn't seem to matter.
There are some schools in his country with armed security, some with armed teachers, some with a secure way of locking down all buildings after the bell rings and no entry without verification.

So, the million dollar question is - why cant EVERY school in America implement these options?

Cut the military spending and/or aid to foreign countries by 1% and we have the funding.

I'm not good at math so don't quote me on the 1%
Nah, gun lobby will push to arm children instead.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership, but I need license, registration and insurance to drive a Prius. I think we can do better on gun control while not infringing on 2A rights.

Extremists on both ends leave zero room for actionable compromise and reduced gun violence.
And yet, more kids die in car accidents, drunk drivers way more then school shooters. Giving up rights isn't the answer.
There are some schools in his country with armed security, some with armed teachers, some with a secure way of locking down all buildings after the bell rings and no entry without verification.

So, the million dollar question is - why cant EVERY school in America implement these options?

Cut the military spending and/or aid to foreign countries by 1% and we have the funding.

I'm not good at math so don't quote me on the 1%
Talking about cutting the military budget as a politician...is political suicide.

Not funding or cutting school security and education is a hot button for a couple news cycles after a tragedy. Soon forgotten and no implications politically, so its not a priority. Its not important, and that's been a fact time, after time, after time.

You don't have to like it, but its just the way it is...and nobody, including the average American voter cares. If they did, they would vote policy and not party.
The 54 billion we gave uke, so far, would easily make every school in the USA safe from this type of attack. You will not hear any talk of that type from the administration....they will only talk about taking guns away from the people.
They saw the power counties like Canada held with covid and know that's the only way they can control the US population is to disarm the people.
Interesting point someone made tonight on tv about having an armed officer at every single school.

If Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc had kids in school…..would there be armed agents at those schools?
I have 2 elementary kids, 3 next year. Live in a very pro-gun state and their school has a LE onsite all day, but im guessing 1 LE with a hand gun may not be a match for a psycho with an AR? My heart wches for these parents and everyone involved

This is from the below website so take it for what it is. It mentions he was engaged by law enforcement while attempting to enter the school. What happened? I have never been in that type of situation, not militarty or law enforcement, so have no idea how one can still get access


Here are the latest developments in Tuesday's tragedy:

• Estrada told CNN's Anderson Cooper the gunman wrecked a vehicle while driving near the school after shooting his grandmother. "The suspect did crash near a ditch nearby the school. That's where he exited his vehicle with what I believe was a rifle and that's when he attempted to enter the school where he was engaged by law enforcement."

• The gunman had body armor, the rifle and a backpack, Estrada said. The shooter made it into several classrooms, Estrada added.
The best way to combat a bad guy with a gun who wants to kill people is a good guy with a gun who has the balls to engage said bad guy. That is 100% truth.
I posted it on a different comment but one article mentioned he was engaged by LE while attempting to enter the school. So i guess in this case that theory doesnt really work. So whats the solution when the threat cant be successfully neutralized? More physical security, in the form of secured doors and buildings?
What weapon was used though? Saying ban assault weapons might not be the answer. The second amendment is not for hunting and was never meant to protect hunting type rifles. The problem lies more in the morals and lack of respect for fellow man. We glorify these shooters, plaster them all over the news and continue to say their name. As far as laws go how about we enforce the laws that are in the books already.

Banning weapons does nothing but allow for a totalitarian response and does nothing to address the issues.
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