Day 1, Robby
OK, let's get this 2-week test underway. I'll be taking the Yeti along with Rokslide member mtnrunner260 before our normal workout routines.
Our plan is to post 4-6 times each week post workout. We'll share what we did and how we felt after taking the Yeti. This is not scientific in anyway, just two separate individuals experience with a pre-workout drink.
For the record, we're not in touch with MTN OPS beyond receiving the product nor are we consulting with each other behind the scenes. We'll keep it pure and honest, Rokslide style. We both received the Yeti free and are not paid for this (other than I guess I am cause MTN OPS is a Rokslide sponsor). Also, on a personal note, a little ashamed but it's pertinent so I'll say it. In my late teens I struggled with meth and a little cocaine for about a year, so I know what it feels like to take heavy stimulants and what "amped" "skin crawl" and all that feels like. (By the grace of God, I just walked away from it all and never went back.)
I actually started my testing on Monday, February 15th, so mine's not in real-time like mtnrunner's will be. Initial post will be big cause I need to lay some foundations, but much shorter after that.
First, about me. I'm 46, manage a large group of personal trainers at the day job and have been with this company, Apple Athletic Club for 24 years
I weigh between 180-185 pretty much year round with body fat in the 14-19% range depending on time of year. You'd think working in a club of this caliber with access to some of the best trainers in the state and a $million in equipment at my disposal, my workouts would be out of this world. Not really. Other than all this is just a few steps out my office door, and I technically get paid to workout, workouts are a hassle for me like everyone else. I have 24 employees and two bosses, so I'm at the mercy of the moment. If I'm needed, even during a workout, I often have to stop what I'm doing and answer the call and sometimes never get back to the workout.
I typically average 4-6 days per week 30-60 minute workouts with a mix of cardio (running 1x/week, cardio machines, outside walking) and resistance (super circuit, free weights.) This time of the year I get no mountain time, so other than my workouts, I'm pretty sedentary so I really have to watch the intake this time of year. I track my calories/macros/nutrients on MyFitnessPal to help control my weight. I wear a MyZone intensity monitor for almost all my workouts. I'll share data from these sources to keep it interesting. I'm not a big supplement guy, only taking glucosomine, chondroiten, Vitamin D (winter) and whey protien in my fruit/veggie smoothies. I don't know a lot about supplements.
For Day 1, I'd just returned from the Salt Lake Expo last night. With three days of restaurant food and late dinners, I was "carb-loaded" as evidenced by the scale for my ritual Monday morning weigh-in of 182. I was 180 the previous Wednesday.
Today, I took the 14 gram serving of Yeti (full scoop using scoop supplied in 30 serving tub) about 12:30 and was working from 1:10 for 46 minutes. (MyZone tracks workouts by the minute). I'd only eaten breakfast (429 calories) so far because I'm still full feeling from the weekend. My energy level felt good (likely due to high glycogen levels), even before the Yeti. I'll eat lunch after the workout.
Today is light cardio (60-70% Effort as determined by MyZone), with resistance (super circuit) and flexibility.
Super circuit is a 16 minute workout covering all the major muscles groups (except core) with cardio intervals between sets with no rest (45 seconds effort, 15 seconds to change station). Perfect workout for me cause it's on a timed light and hardly anyone bothers my workout. I try to do it 1x/week with free weights on the two days of resistance.)
Final workout report:
burned 471 cal in 46 minutes at an avg of 60% effort. About right for this workout.
I felt good energy all through the workout but I'm carb-loaded so it's hard to know if it's the Yeti or not. However, by 7:00 PM, I felt jittery sitting at my desk, so something was going on. It wasn't bad, but definitely not winding down for the day.
I had to work until 9:00 PM and I'm not very sensitive to coffee late in the day (can drink it and go to bed in an hour or two) so I had a small (12 ounce) latte (I do this several times per week with no problems).
I feel asleep normally by 10:30 and slept well. However, I was wide awake by 1:00 AM (normally could sleep till 6:30 easy) and couldn't go back to sleep. Ended up watching three hours of Homicide Hunter before finally falling asleep by 4:00 and wide awake (normal feeling) by 7:00. I didn't feel jittery or like I was on stimulants during the night, just could NOT go back to sleep. Plan on either working out earlier in the day or taking less Yeti.