Testing MTN OPS Yeti Pre-workout

Day 9, Robby

Last day of testing, so I made 8 workouts in about 10 days. The club was slower today and no interruptions, finally got to do my free weight routine instead of just the circuit.

Just a simple push/pull/squat routine 3-4 sets/6-10 reps to muscle failure

Had taken 1/2 scoop Yeti on an empty stomach (not recommended but hasn't bothered me the times I've done it.)

Despite being very hungry, I had a great workout. Usually I'd run out of gas doing a free weight workout on an empty stomach but I had a good intense workout.


MyZone report with a 65% avg effort which is good for a weights-only day because there are rest periods between sets.

I was starving because I had to eat lunch before I could even shower, attesting to the fact I was running on Yeti for this workout.

Another thing I'd checked during this test was my blood pressure. No change before Yeti or post Yeti, at rest around 110/78. I didn't experience any high-heart rate issues in or out of workouts.

Overall this is a good product for me. I KNOW I workout harder with it. I don't need it everyday but for the days I get stuck working out in the afternoon and my energy is low, this is the stuff! On the day after a high-calorie day, I don't really need it either. You just need to experiment with it and you'll find what works best for you.

I can make an educated guess that Yeti will really work with extended workouts and long days in the hills. I never took more than about 5/8 of a scoop (except that first day) and it was plenty for my 45-90 minute workouts.

As mtnrunner noted, you don't need any other stimulant drinks to get you through the afternoon. In fact, be careful even taking it in the late afternoon as you saw what happened to me on day 1.

Other than that, I didn't experience any ill side effects. You have to stay hydrated or your lips will feel dry.

As long as you aren't bothered by niacin flush, I'd recommend it. I think I read there is a 30 day money-back available and I 'd guess if you were going to have problems, it would be right away.

Thanks for following this last 10 days.

Thanks too, mtnrunner, you did a good job. As you see, posting every day can be PIA!

Next up, I'll be setting up a test for the Enduro.
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Day 10

Well I hate to disappoint Robby but I don't own any Richard Simmons shorts, anymore at least.
I found a pair of shoes this morning and we headed to the beach. It must of been chilly for the locals because they were all in hoodys, guess that explains the looks I got as a pale bearded guy without a shirt. Got a good workout on the sand and path. The Yeti helped with being tired from all the traveling.

I am sold on the Yeti as a worthwhile product to take pre workout. I am looking forward to using it on some backpack hunts this fall. I'm not sure I want to take it everyday but once a week for harder workouts will help to push through more.

Thanks to Robby and Rokslide for the opportunity to test it out. If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer what I can.
Phase II, Need five trustworthy members (flakes need not apply)

OK, now that the test is over, I contacted Casey at MTN OPS. He's thrilled with the test we just did and wants to expand it further!

I'm looking for 5 new guys (a gal or two would be great to throw in the mix) to start a 7-Day Yeti test as a continuation of this thread. So same parameters as before but I'll be choosing five new participants.

if you're not a flake who doesn't follow through with projects, AND working out 4-6 days per week for the next two weeks, AND are willing to post your daily workouts (short version) and your daily results along with a few pics, I'll have MTN OPS send you a canister ($40 value).

We prefer to pick people who haven't tried Yeti.

Research the product here- you're responsible to make sure you're healthy enough to do this test.

In no way do you have to like this stuff and we expect you to share your real experiences. I want this totally transparent so please don't PM the other testers behind the scenes , just post your thoughts on this thread. I want this thread to be as independent as possible.

If there are questions other members can't answer, MTN OPS can chime in and answer them.

Post below a short response on what your workouts consist of starting the week of 3/14-3/25. Don't write me a book! I'd really like to pick a few people who will either be in the hills some or have a physical job.

Hopefully we can have everyone's product to them by 3/14.

I'll be doing a similar project on Enduro, but that will be on a different thread- so watch for that.
Hopefully this is the right place for this if not feel free to delete it Robby and I can put it up somewhere else. Anyways just to clarify I am not looking to get in on the test as I already use Yeti.

I started using it a few months back when I got back into lifting weights and working out from a long (several years) layoff. I had never used any pre work out type supplement and tried several and ended up settling on yeti. I feel like it really does give me more energy in the gym. I try to take it as I leave the house on the way to the gym. Its a ten minute drive and with a warm up it starts kicking in well right when I get into my workout. I certainly feel like I preform better on tough work outs on days I use the yeti vs not.

While I am happy with the way it has helped me gym I really love the way it works for me in the field. I used it on multiple occasions this hunting season to give me a boost. Two occasions really come to mind. The first was on an archery elk hunt. I have been going hard for a couple days previous and was getting a bit beat down by the mountains. It was mid afternoon and my partner and I where both dragging after hiking straight up the face of a steep mountain chasing a bugling bull. We took a break to rehydrate and grab a snack. I decided to use the yeti I had been carrying around for the last couple days in my pack. We continued chasing the bull and his cows up the hill and after the yeti kicked in I felt way better it certainly gave me a much needed boost at that time. The other time was on a long pack out. I had a serving of yeti on the trip back in right before we reached the meat to turn around and head back out. This was after several days of hard hunting and again I was worn down and not looking forward to the hike out but the boost of energy I got from the yeti got me over the hump.

It's not a miracle cure for steep hills bad pack outs or exhaustion but when the going gets tough and you need an extra little boost I have been way happy with how yeti has come through for me. I also haven't experience any negative side effects other than the niacin flush a bit every once in a while but for me it is very mild and I am only aware of it occasionally.
Robby, I'll give it a chance as well. Same routine as before for me, but I've had to stop playing basketball due a balky Achilles; so lifting a couple days, and running with a bodyweight circuit as well. Turkey season starts for me on the 15th and I'll be hiking the mountains of NE Alabama chasing birds on public and private ground regularly, in addition to my workouts.
How long before your workouts are you drinking it on average? Is there a preferred window to drink it before you work out? If I work out in the afternoon I have no problem drinking it 30 minutes before I work out in most cases. Sometimes though I may not be able to drink it so close, so it will be an hour or more before I can work out. In the mornings I am generally up at 5:15, at the gym at 6. I just want to make sure I can time it to get the most I can out of it. I just started taking it and am trying to make sure I get the most from it.
How long before your workouts are you drinking it on average? Is there a preferred window to drink it before you work out? If I work out in the afternoon I have no problem drinking it 30 minutes before I work out in most cases. Sometimes though I may not be able to drink it so close, so it will be an hour or more before I can work out. In the mornings I am generally up at 5:15, at the gym at 6. I just want to make sure I can time it to get the most I can out of it. I just started taking it and am trying to make sure I get the most from it.

Drink it on the way to the gym. I usually finish it off in the 1st 10-15 min of the workout. You def don't want to be drinking it hours before the workout. This shit is designed to get you amped up and focused on your workout. It has other things in it that are not as time sensitive but you need to drink it right before your workout to get the most out of it.
Drink it on the way to the gym. I usually finish it off in the 1st 10-15 min of the workout. You def don't want to be drinking it hours before the workout. This shit is designed to get you amped up and focused on your workout. It has other things in it that are not as time sensitive but you need to drink it right before your workout to get the most out of it.

Thanks. I will just drink it on the way and during the workout if I don't finish it on the way.
Robby, I have been following along and I am still down to try it and document the experience. I Haven't tried any workout supplement since college almost 10 years ago. Throughout the next few weekends I will definitely be shed hunting/scouting in the mountains of PA to throw in the real world experience that will pretty closely mirror hunting conditions. Otherwise sticking to the workout program I outlined in earlier post, nothing too formal but I definitely do hit a mix of cardio/strength at least 5 days/week. With awesome spring weather and daylight savings time around the corner I am amped to finally do some outdoor work.
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Hi Robby:
I would be up for giving it a shot, and will post workouts and results. I am currently working out 5 days a week, 5x5 Stronglifts on MWF, and 45 minutes cardio on the elliptical all 5 days, averaging 4.6 miles per cardio session. I am always doing something outside on the weekends, whether hunting or working on cars or, rarely, the lawn.
I have a wife, a 1 year old, a high stress job, a second medium stress job, and work out every morning around 6 a.m. By the middle of the week, I am feeling the effects of not much sleep and tougher workouts than I have done in a long time. Also, turkey season starts here next week, which occupies any morning I am not working.
I would love to give the Mtn Ops a try and see if it really provides more energy; I could surely use it. I don't mind posting daily either.
If there's room left, I'd hop in. I'll post workouts and results. I'm currently not taking any supplements other than fish oils and a basic multivitamin. I work out 6 days a week currently. My training consists of running 3 times a week (training for a 50km race here in colorado), 3-4 days of weight training, and 2 days of weighted hikes.

A little bit about myself. I'm 41 and I would say fit. I used to race road bikes and cyclocross back in the day (for you racers, I was working my way to becoming a Cat 1, when life got in the way!). I've got two little kids and a job that requires me to travel out of town two days a week. My background is in nutrition (registered dietitian and a masters in physiology). I'm currently one semester away from my MBA, so with two kids, life is crazy!

My goals are to optimize my fitness for my family and hunting. I've yet to try any of the mountain ops products, but am interested.
Elkfitness, you're the perfect match for our last slot. Send me your flavor/ shipping address and I'll get it coming.

This makes five for this test, so we're full. As I type this, there is still room to participate in the Enduro thread.

Hopefully everyone has their Yeti by 3/14 so we can all start posting.
Looks like everyone's product has been shipped. I'm locking this thread until we start posting so it doesn't get to messy. Testers, please use "Thread tools" at the top of the thread to SUBSCRIBE to this thread so you don't miss any of my updates.

I'd like to start the testing on Monday 3/14 but it just depends on if everyone has received his product.
Yeti Test, Phase II Starts Here

OK, it's Monday 3/14. I THINK everyone has their Yeti, so I'm opening this up.

Please post your daily results and I'm asking that everyone post "Day 1" before the next person posts "Day 2" etc if possible so it has some flow and doesn't get too messy. With five guys testing for 7 days, that means there is a minimum of 35 posts between now and 3/20.

You gotta stay on top of it so you don't get behind. If you miss a day for some reason, then combine posts "Day1/Day2".

Members, feel free to ask questions on the thread. You can PM the testers but when possible, better to post on thread so we can all be part of discussion.

finally use the "Go Advanced" button to enter a post title and use this format "Day 1/Your Name or screen name."

I realize your avatar is on the post but it's easier if the lead of the post shows who you are.

Keep it tight, but post any pertinent info and photos always welcome and of course be honest.

This is not a scientific test, just a chance for each person to journal his own experiences.