Options at price points:
1. $500,000 house and a couple acres. This is only really an option in southern Wyoming away from Cheyenne and Laramie. In Riverton, and maybe the Bighorn Valley. All of NE Montana, and no where else in Montana unless it is screaming remote.
2. $1,000,000 house and a couple acres. Most places in Wyoming and Montana except Jackson, Missoula, Kalispel, and Bozeman.
3. $5,000,000 house and a good sized property this is a 300-5000 acre place in most of the less desirable places in Wyoming and Montana.
4. $15,000,000 house and a good sized property or ranch. this is a 300-5000 acre place anywhere except the Flathead lake drainage, and the Yellowstone ecosystem.
5. $50,000,000 ranch. This is almost anything in both states except Jackson bigger properties and some of the 40,0000 acre plus ranches.
6. $200,000,000 this would buy almost anything in Jackson, barely.