taxidermy bills


Feb 24, 2012
Mounting a deer head in our area has went up to 750 bucks this year. I havent had anything mounted in awhile but it was 500 last time I did it. Pretty much gonna stop me from any taxidermy stuff. How much you guys paying in your areas, and what are you doing if you dont get it mounted. Personally Im not a european guy so think Im gonna go to a nice 10x12 framed pic and put that on the wall.
I will NEVER get a shoulder mount of any animal i shoot. The taxidermist i used to go to charged me 185$ for a deer euro mount that was not very well done. havent been back since. Thankfully i now have a buddy that does it for free because hes a bored stay at home dad hahaha
We started burying our heads in the dirt last year and letting the bugs clean them. Then I make skull hangers for them.

Costs too much to have stuff mounted these days. I love our deer mounts, but its just not worth it any more.

Its $600 for a whitetail shoulder mount here at my place in GA. 5 years ago it was $450 and I thought that was a ripoff then....
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i think both of the people i go two went up this year. they are small shops, they also let me pick what form i want to use so i control cost of that... guess what the forms have gone up a ton and the good forms are pretty damn expensive. I shot a big bobcat and had someone do it and picked the most expensive form and it turned out great. dad shot one and got it mounted but went cheap on the form and it is no where near as good from the same person.
Mine in NC is still at 400 for now. I have raised my standards on whitetail tho. I wont get another one mounted under 145".
It’s not just the cost to get something mounted, another factor is what the hell is your family going to do with the taxidermy when you’re dead and gone.

Obviously they don’t have the personal attachment you do.
That is 100% true. Not sure what mine would do. Probably hang on to a couple of the larger animals like my best elk and maybe the lion and a bear rug or two. The rest are probably destined for the dumpster.
I think we paid $700 for my wife's antelope mount last year. Rarely get a shoulder mount so I don't mind paying for good work. If you break down the costs they don't make a killing off a shoulder mount. It's a shit ton of work for not much money.
Haven’t gotten a shoulder mount in a long time but believe they’re somewhere in the $750-800 range. I prefer euro’s now as well and started doing my own awhile ago. Good point above about your family having to deal with them when your gone.
I do all mine euro myself, but I paid 800 once for a shoulder about 6 years ago only because I won double that gambling that fall. That same guy (who’s probably one of the best in the west) now charges 1,000 for deer shoulder mounts. It’s insane, and he turns down dozens of people every year. Some people have stupid money to spend.
The guy I go to here in New Hampshire is 680 for a deer mount. I only have a few mounts and some skulls.
My guy is $900 for a deer, antelope $1200 for a sheep, $1750 for an elk.

He is the state champion, everything they put their hands on looks great.

When I look at going back to Africa, I know I won't be doing any taxidermy. The cost of the taxidermy will be more than what the cost of the hunt was, maybe x2. Maybe get 1 animal or 2.

You have to decide what the value is to you. For me it isn't there.

I am also trying to do a mountain goat and moose combo in the next 2-3 years. I am pretty sure both of those will get shoulder mounts.
How many hours of work goes into an actually good deer shoulder mount? Inflation has hit everything. Bad taxidermy is the worst. If I'm wanting to hang a prized dead animal in my house, I'd rather not take my chances that the artist doing it is making less than they would as a walmart greeter (saw $16/hr starting wages posted at my local small town MN walmart last week).

I'm more of a euro mount guy anyway.
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