Tacoma 100,000miles

That thing is just getting broke in at 100,000
Yep. My 1989 4x4 hit 100k miles in 1994, and that was 30 years ago. I've only averaged about 5k miles a year on it since then, but it's still going strong.

The biggest thing is changing fluids and then keeping an eye on belts and parts. Toyota is pretty good with their recommended maintenance intervals. I replaced ball joints for the first time on it at 235k miles. When you do......make sure you get real OEM Toyota replacements. I can't believe they lasted that long with what I've put this pickup through.
My 2019 Tacoma is coming on its 100,000 mile mark in the next few months. Besides oil changes and air filters its been great and no problems. Just wondering what suggestions you guys would have on preventive maintenance that needs to be done checked. I like to drive my vehicles into the 200,000 mile mark before thinking of getting a new one.

Next service will probably be new tires and breaks
Keep putting gas into it.

Seriously, mine has a brutal 106k on it, and I'm driving it from CO to dang near the Yukon and back soon. Friend has a Jeep in BC, I told him, I will drive for obvious reasons.

I'm over 400k on a 2006 TRD Off-Road.

I've replaced most or all of the wheel bearings, maybe one or two of them twice. Also front axles, boots rip. Replaced the driveshaft/u-joints every 90k or so. If you're not doing creek crossings you can get 180k out of them. Just replaced the transfer case seal, it was leaking. Need to replace the rack & pinion as the power steering boot is ripped open, leaking fluid. Starter and alternator both made it 360k or more. Batteries of course.

Preventive maintenance wise I change oil every 5k, and then every 30k do the Toyota recommended maintenance which includes transmission fluid flush (usually). And then I fix stuff as it breaks. I get a car wash whenever it could have gotten salt on it. You take care of it and it'll take care of you.
What @Dos Perros said is pretty mush the same I ran into on my 2007 4 cylinder. The truck just kept running. I sold to my uncle at 187,000 in 2017 and he’s still running it with 230,000. He replaced the serpentine belt and minor things along the way. I talked to the dealership about replacing spark plugs at 100,000 for maintenance and they said replace when they go bad. It still has the original plugs to this day. They are great dependable trucks. Good luck.
Replaced the driveshaft/u-joints every 90k or so. If you're not doing creek crossings you can get 180k out of them.
In 35 years I've never replaced my driveshaft u-joints. Hmmm....perhaps I should give those a closer inspection before hunting season.

Seriously, mine has a brutal 106k on it, and I'm driving it from CO to dang near the Yukon and back soon.
My old Toyota has made a similar trip into that neck of the woods three different times over the years. Great trips!
In 35 years I've never replaced my driveshaft u-joints. Hmmm....perhaps I should give those a closer inspection before hunting season.

There was a quite noticeable shimmy at start-ups, like going from 0mph to speed. Lower rpms more gas type situations. You can inspect them yourself by pulling on the drive shaft normal to the axis and see how much wobble you have. How much is too much? Dunno. I just replace when I get the shimmy. Thankfully haven't had to do it since I stopped driving through creeks.
I changed the transfer and front and rear diff oil today. Pretty easy. If you haven’t tackled that job there’s no reason not to.
grease your balljoints, change f/r diff fluid, change x-fer case fluid, change trans fluid, replace f/r shocks(someone said front coilovers so if you have coilovers, buy the whole damn assembly and save yourself some grief), change Power steering fluid, Engine Air filter replace, Cabine air filter replace, Bleed your brakes with fresh 100k fluid, check front brake pads(if near the squealers just make a mental note to buy new pads and rotors in the next year),

When was the last time you detail cleaned the interior? .. Don't get me started on that.
I've got an '11 TRD with 205,xxx. Changed shocks a few times (and front springs while I was at it last time), oil, fluids, brakes, bulbs, all the usual and nothing major.
2nd Gens we’re notorious for wheel bearing issues. I replaced three, and it needed two when I sold it. Weak link on them for sure, that and the paint. Oh, and the temp gauge
I’m all for maintenance but I have 215k and counting on my Jeep, did plugs, flushed radiator at 165k, absolutely zero improvement, same fuel economy and she still gets warm going up mountains in the summer.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

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There is a reason for recommended service intervals on all vehicles. I have followed them on every vehicle I have owned and have few issues, even with brands that are said to be POS.

I have never understood the whole " don't change the ATF fluid" concept. It is a fluid and will chemically break down just like motor oil from heat and age. A flush now and then will remove most metal shavings if they develop also.
I’ve got 315,000 on my 2011 Tacoma TRD. Aside from regular break and oil maintenance haven’t done much that was too extensive. Had to do the wheel bearings, valve cover gaskets, and brake cylinders once. Did the transmission and transfer case fluids recently for the first time. It’s still purrs like a kitten, firm believer in Toyota after this experience.