High Mileage Vehicle for Work

What kinds of repairs? Head gasket, water pump, engine mounts, wheel bearings, power steering parts?
Never had to replace a head gasket, water pump, engine mounts, power steering on any of the Hyundais I've had. Had to do a wheel bearing on one, alternator went out at a little over 500k on the Accent. Fuel pump went at 415k on this Sonata. Basic maintenance. Brake pads, rotors, plugs, serpentine belts. Same as any vehicle. We had a guy driving an Accord who got tired of fixing stuff on it and bought a new Hyundai last year. That Accord went through ball joints like candy. It was always something with it.
What about water pumps, how long do those last? Aren't they labor intensive to change?
Every car has a water pump but only some cars have a timing belt. I've changed water pumps before. How bad it sucks, really depends on the vehicle. My Civic had 265k on the original water pump. My Mazda is at 190k original everything.
Same shocks, motor mounts, head gasket, power steering parts, water pump to 395k?
Mine had 320k on it when i traded it for a pig...yep a pig. Helping a buddy out. The only things I had to replace were an intake manifold gasket ($8) and the alternator finally gave up right before I sold it. Other than normal maintenance.