I recently acquired a DD STI, LTI and Wolfhunter. I roksett in area 419 titanium hellfire mounts, and also roksett in the front caps. Also my Scythe-Ti was picked up, also 419 hellfire and installed the 3 port anchor brake. All connection glued in roksett into place.
I have been breaking in several new barrels last two days, so not a ton of cold bore testing. The little I have done, prob 12-15 in the last 3 days of shooting, I have not observed this. The new 20" 6cm is pretty much dialed and has repeatedly shot half to quarter minute 5 shot groups at 400 with the same load for 6 groups, so I will verifiy that with a cold bore group tomorrow. The 22cm is shooting pretty well, that's wearing the wolf hunter I'll print a group with it for a data set.
I am not running bare cans, these are all wearing a wrap, either from burn proof gear, or a can schap. So they're approx 3oz heavier than oem spec. They're also mounted entirely different, I don't like direct thread constantly on/off my muzzle threads, I prefer to keep them as low mileage as possible. I'll take the added thread connection and tolerance stacking of the a419 mount. I greatly prefer the fine pitch left hand thread supressor mount especially with RH twist barrels. This is my experience thus far with my three diligent cans.