Suppressors - first round impact shift

If anyone is using a thread pitch adapter, you're adding stacking tolerances, and that's not good

When you use a muzzle device to mount a suppressor, you're adding "stuff". And anytime you add stuff to your mix, you will get different outcomes. Different muzzle devices make bullets and gas travel differently.

Depending on the cartridge, it doesn't take much to get a silencer too hot to handle.
I have about 3k rounds through one of my AB cans across 3 different calibers ranging from 223 to 300 WSM and 5 different guns. All but one of those guns use adapters, and I have never had the sort of problems represented in this thread. I don’t think it’s an adapter issue and if I’m not able to use adapters, I’m not interested. It been well documented that all of the stuff we’ve heard about adapters and the requirement for a shoulder on your threads is just dogma with no basis in fact. The problem being discussed here sounds like quality control issues from DD. That’s not surprising given the growth phase the industry is going through. Let’s hope they get their issues sorted out because that Wolf Hunter looks like a pretty sweet can if it works right.
That’s unfortunate.

I have cans I regret in the safe. They never get used. Expensive mistakes.

I’m thousands of rounds and multiple barrel into the three main suppressors I shoot, all Tbac, without any issues what so ever.
I fear not adapters. My primary dislike of them is they are an additional cost, often weight, and another thing with potential to come loose. It seems like many of the suppressor companies prefer them, it cant just be to sell muzzle devices? Most of the real duty, full auto type suppressors basically mandate them.

I can see potential for tolerance stacking becoming an issue with poorly machined parts but also don't worry about it causing problems in most cases.
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Once again, great. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work.

Yes, I could. I could also share personal experience of when it does work. Neither of the opposing experience changes that some outer diameters are not large enough in relation to the bore diameter for certain thread pitches.

Relate your personal experiences with thread adaptors causing problems.
Edit: @Formidilosus, how many rounds have you shot suppressed using an adaptor — over 100k?

Considering that every muzzle brake/flash hider suppressor mount is a “thread adapter”, way more than that. Between the S2H classes and practice, somewhere over 60,000 rounds last year alone- shot or directly witnessed shot from suppressors with thread adaptors.

Every single carbine SOCOM uses has a suppressor with muzzle adapter; every single USMC infantry, recon and force recon M27 has a muzzle adapter with suppressor, every single US Mil sniper rifle has a suppressor with a muzzle adapter- save one; etc, etc, etc etc…. The whole thing is a joke.
So went to the range this morning. Shot 7 cold can groups, took me a bit as I gave the can at least 45 mins to cool between groups, it was 42° this morning with a variable 4-7 L to R wind. I see no cold bore/cold can variation at 100y or 400y. The 2 groups not pictured were 100y zero checks on 6cm and 6prc. Both were sub half moa 5 shot groups. I'll retest again, but I've noticed nothing out of normal trends. All the 400y groups were shot before the 100y groups. Rifles/cans sat in truck overnight and it was 37° for a low. Everything was cold, no foulers sighters or bullshit. These rifles are ready to kill.
*edit, second 22cm group, barrel wasn't technically COLD it sat for 15mins, then had the cold LTi can put on, and was shot.
Shot my setup with direct thread mount at 730 yards today to true velocity and practice. It held a 1.5 MOA group with nothing weird about the first round. I’m really starting to think the Xeno mount was my issue. Glad everything is working as it should with hunting season looming.
Shot my setup with direct thread mount at 730 yards today to true velocity and practice. It held a 1.5 MOA group with nothing weird about the first round. I’m really starting to think the Xeno mount was my issue. Glad everything is working as it should with hunting season looming.

Initially, did you have multiple Xeno muzzle devices to test with? Between the brake, flash hider, and Xeno zero, you may see a difference.
I have an update on my TBAC U9 from post #13 on this thread.

I’ve got another 50 rounds on the gun with the same hand loads and never got another high impact(s) with it. I tested cold bore and on a hot barrel with no issues.

Maybe my shooting that day just sucked.
Initially, did you have multiple Xeno muzzle devices to test with? Between the brake, flash hider, and Xeno zero, you may see a difference.
No I did not, just one suppressor (harvester Evo) with the adapter and then a Xeno Zero on 3 rifles. Interestingly the 223 uses 1/2x28 threads while the two 6.5 Creedmores use 5/8x24 threads. Not sure if that’s relevant or just coincidence.
No I did not, just one suppressor (harvester Evo) with the adapter and then a Xeno Zero on 3 rifles. Interestingly the 223 uses 1/2x28 threads while the two 6.5 Creedmores use 5/8x24 threads. Not sure if that’s relevant or just coincidence.

That's normal for .223
Pretty normal for 6.5 depending on the outer diameter.
That's normal for .223
Pretty normal for 6.5 depending on the outer diameter.
Agreed. I guess I was trying to highlight that perhaps the issues I saw with the Xeno system only occur with the 5/8x24 adapter but not the 1/2x28 version.
Shot my three DD cans again today, 5 shot groups at 400y, all groups under or at 1/2 minute. Cold can shots were in cone of fire, but on lower side of average MV. This is normal thing with my DD and TBAC cans.