Suppressor wait times


May 27, 2019
Wishing I hadn't held off in November based on an upcoming move... Sounds like I'd have had it already!
Now do I roll the dice with a few weeks left? Odds seem low but you never know…


Sep 6, 2018
The ATF changed the message on the portal. seems like they expect it to be back soon. Of course, just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you. Or something like that.
Guess we will all find out tomorrowish..
My guess is that everybody saw the 1 day to 1 month approvals and went to buy more suppressors hoping to get in on it. Enough people bought that it cause the already janky system to crash unexpectedly and they are trying to get it back up.


Mar 3, 2023
So, is it harder to believe that a site that has been flaky and buggy since it was launched developed a big enough issue that it needed to be shut down for a couple of days for maintenance, or that the ATF, without warning or notice, just decided to pull the plug on eforms?

You mean people might not have the highest opinions of an organization that in the last year has tried to turn millions of people into felons over pistol braces, arbitrarily rewrote the rules for what constitutes a receiver, is currently trying to make private sales illegal and create a back door gun registry, has just proven they can easily process Form 4s in days instead of months yet hasn’t for years and 31 years ago specifically went out of their way to create a situation that resulted in a bunch of women and children burned to death as a way to justify their existence when they could have avoided the situation entirely?

Can’t imagine why people wouldn’t just believe what they say at face value or it’s more likely they are trying to use one of the systems they control to help the democrats gain them additional funding by holding the process hostage during the government shutdown talks.


Nov 23, 2016
You mean people might not have the highest opinions of an organization that in the last year has tried to turn millions of people into felons over pistol braces, arbitrarily rewrote the rules for what constitutes a receiver, is currently trying to make private sales illegal and create a back door gun registry, has just proven they can easily process Form 4s in days instead of months yet hasn’t for years and 31 years ago specifically went out of their way to create a situation that resulted in a bunch of women and children burned to death as a way to justify their existence when they could have avoided the situation entirely?

Can’t imagine why people wouldn’t just believe what they say at face value or it’s more likely they are trying to use one of the systems they control to help the democrats gain them additional funding by holding the process hostage during the government shutdown talks.
I am no fan of the atf, but I have been around public sector IT long enough to know that incompetence is much more likely then malice when a buggy website goes down. Personally, I would guess either some type of security issue or some kind of upgrade that went wrong and they were not able to revert. Again, not because they are trying to backdoor kill eforms, but because gov IT is just a mess that spends way too much money on substandard products and without consequences when it fails or doesn't perform like it should. People would be fired like crazy if any modern private sector site of that size went down for two days.


Dec 12, 2019
Buddy at work certified 1 February, approved 28 February (Individual)

Meanwhile I certified back on 2 January and I don’t expect to be approved before October given their hostility to Trusts


Jan 8, 2017
SW Montana
I am no fan of the atf, but I have been around public sector IT long enough to know that incompetence is much more likely then malice when a buggy website goes down. Personally, I would guess either some type of security issue or some kind of upgrade that went wrong and they were not able to revert. Again, not because they are trying to backdoor kill eforms, but because gov IT is just a mess that spends way too much money on substandard products and without consequences when it fails or doesn't perform like it should. People would be fired like crazy if any modern private sector site of that size went down for two days.
I deal with a couple private sector online web portals, critical for my business. They have planned outages 3-4 times per week, and unplanned outages 2-3 times per week. These are fairly new and very expensive systems, with a large team of inhouse IT people
Now I have no idea what is going on at the ATF, but they could have easily left a message "system down" or a blank screen. They also could have easily never started an e-file system.
At any rate their IT contractor was most certainly the lowest bidder, you know to save taxpayer money!


Nov 23, 2016
If you don't want to login to see the new FAQ.

Basically, just putting in writing that individuals will be processed much faster than trusts.

Q. Has NFA Division implemented processing changes to reduce the number of pending applications?
Yes. For example, NFA Division is shifting resources to processing applications that have received a proceed from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.
Q. Are NFA applications processed in a first in, first out basis?
No. NFA applications were previously processed in a first in, first out basis. Adhering to the first in, first out basis resulted in processing delays for NFA applications with a proceeded background check. For example, a NFA application with a proceeded background check would not be processed until a NFA application with a delayed background check was resolved. While first in, first out is a guiding principle, NFA Division will focus its resources to processing those NFA applications that have received a proceed from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check. Accordingly, NFA Division will process NFA applications as it receives background check responses from FBI-NICS. However, NFA Division will submit background checks to FBI-NICS in the order applications are received.
Q. My NFA application is submitted, but my background check has not been sent to FBI-NICS, why?
Due to the record number of NFA application submissions and ATF's limited resources, NFA Division must submit background checks to FBI-NICS in batches. Currently, there are approximately 200,000 NFA applications pending. As NFA Division reduces the number of pending applications, the background checks will be submitted to FBI-NICS closer to when the NFA application was received by NFA Division.
Q. I submitted my NFA application the same time as my friend/family member/etc. and his or her NFA application was processed before mine, why?
NFA Division can approve a NFA application only after receiving a proceed response to the required FBI-NICS background check. Some background checks may take longer to process because FBI-NICS must perform additional research on the applicants background. As a result, two individuals who submit NFA applications at the same time may have their NFA application processed at different times because the background checks are completed by FBI-NICS and transmitted to NFA Division at different times.
Q. What can I do to make sure my background check is processed timely and accurately?
While it is not required, the simplest way to help ensure your background check is processed timely and accurately is to provide your social security number with the NFA application. Without the social security number, FBI-NICS may have to perform additional research to ensure the applicant is not prohibited, thereby delaying the background check response to NFA Division. For example, without a social security number, FBI-NICS will have to perform additional research to properly identify the applicant when the applicant has the same name as someone else with prohibiting information in the NICS database.
Q. My background check is currently in a pending status with FBI-NICS, can ATF approve my NFA application?
No. NFA Division must receive a proceed from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.
Q. My background check is currently in a delayed status with FBI-NICS, can ATF approve my NFA application?
No. NFA Division must receive a proceed from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.
Q. My background check is currently in an open status with FBI-NICS, can ATF approve my NFA application?
No. NFA Division must receive a proceed from FBI-NICS in response to the required background check.
Q. FBI-NICS responded to my background check with a proceed, can ATF approve my NFA application?
Yes. NFA Division may approve an NFA application only after FBI-NICS responds with a proceed to the required background check.
Q. If I have more than one application pending, will NFA Division process the applications at the same time?
Yes, provided the applications are for an individual and the social security number was provided with the NFA application. NFA Division has implemented a bundling process which allows an examiner to review all pending applications of an individual. There is no need for an applicant to request bundling, this will be done automatically.
Q. Is bundling available for trusts?
No. However, NFA Division is currently reviewing whether bundling for trust applicants is feasible, given the multiple further complexities presented by trust applicants.
Q. Why do trust applications take longer to process than individual applications?
Trust applications require the examiner to perform several additional steps of review than an individual application. For example, the examiner must read each trust document to ensure it is a legitimate trust. The examiner must also read each trust document to ensure every responsible person to the trust submitted the required responsible person questionnaire. The examiner must also review each trust regardless of whether the same trust was used for a prior application because the terms of that trust may vary between applications.
Q. Are there other factors other than the review process that result in longer processing times for trusts?
Yes. The most common reasons attributable to trust processing delays include:
o Failure to submit a responsible person questionnaire and fingerprint cards for each responsible person named on the trust;
o Failure to submit a valid trust, e.g., there is only one person named in the trust who is the settlor, trustee, and beneficiary;
o The name of the trust on the NFA application is different than the name of the trust in the trust document; and
o The background check is delayed for one or more individuals identified as responsible persons. For example, if one of three identified responsible persons background check is delayed by FBI-NICS, then NFA Division cannot process the application until the delayed background check is resolved.


Jan 25, 2023
Wow, they really don't want people doing trusts. Interesting that they say they will do batch approvals only if you filed them all as an individual and used your social security number.


Jan 5, 2023
What really BS is they say the trust might be different between submissions, as I understand it, you can not change a trust while there is an open submission. Therefore it has to be the same.