Suppressor 300wsm

From what I have read, the pew data is pretty close to the summit data for cans that have been tested by both. So, that would seem to at least very generally validate the pew methods and data.

Brand loyalty seems to be especially strong with silencers - maybe it is because of the NFA process, or maybe just the lack of objective data. I know I have to catch myself from over hyping the DA and OCL that I have. I am sure TBAC makes great stuff, but it just seems overpriced compared to what else is out there today.
Yea you are right. I think a lot of people including myself are brand loyal. I have a couple otter creek cans (poloinum). They are nice cans and good priced
I would have gone with a Sycthe, but I got a killer deal on a Hybrid 46m. $750 for a 46cal, I'll take it.

The Hybrid 46 and Scythe really aren't comparable at all IMO, and I have both. In the same configuration, (HB titanium front cap and Ecco titanium Plan A), the regular Hybrid 46 is 5 ounces heavier and almost 2 inches longer than the Scythe. Your Hybrid 46m is a little heavier and longer in full configuration, but not much. I got the Hybrid to suppress a 45/70, and its great at that. After I moved on from 45/70 its mostly been used on my 8.6blk, 338-06, and 45 pcc. Its a great versatile can for calibers over the usual 30 stuff.

Brand loyalty seems to be especially strong with silencers - maybe it is because of the NFA process, or maybe just the lack of objective data. I know I have to catch myself from over hyping the DA and OCL that I have. I am sure TBAC makes great stuff, but it just seems overpriced compared to what else is out there today.

I think there is a ton of brand loyalty in suppressors, and much of it is driven by marketing. Some of it I think comes from the older days when you bought a can, experienced it, and bought more from the manufacturer if you were happy, and you were probably married to their mounts by then anyway. HUB has really lessened that mount effect, but not so much the tendency to stick. I think TBAC is really good, they make an amazing can. My Takedown 22 is probably the best built, nicest machining work can I own. I always give more credit to suppressor companies that have been around and have been making quality stuff for a long time over some Johnny come lately brand, with some great ideas and tech, but to track record to look back on. There is something to be said for longevity in this business, and TBAC is proven there.
The Hybrid 46 and Scythe really aren't comparable at all IMO, and I have both. In the same configuration, (HB titanium front cap and Ecco titanium Plan A), the regular Hybrid 46 is 5 ounces heavier and almost 2 inches longer than the Scythe. Your Hybrid 46m is a little heavier and longer in full configuration, but not much. I got the Hybrid to suppress a 45/70, and its great at that. After I moved on from 45/70 its mostly been used on my 8.6blk, 338-06, and 45 pcc. Its a great versatile can for calibers over the usual 30 stuff.

I think there is a ton of brand loyalty in suppressors, and much of it is driven by marketing. Some of it I think comes from the older days when you bought a can, experienced it, and bought more from the manufacturer if you were happy, and you were probably married to their mounts by then anyway. HUB has really lessened that mount effect, but not so much the tendency to stick. I think TBAC is really good, they make an amazing can. My Takedown 22 is probably the best built, nicest machining work can I own. I always give more credit to suppressor companies that have been around and have been making quality stuff for a long time over some Johnny come lately brand, with some great ideas and tech, but to track record to look back on. There is something to be said for longevity in this business, and TBAC is proven there.
Appreciate the input, but I wasn't comparing them.
Appreciate the input, but I wasn't comparing them.
But it is a thread where people are suggesting cans and comparing and contrasting them. You mentioning them together leads to comparison, and they don’t compare, especially the 46m which is not HUB.
Interesting. I didn’t see the data of the new summit that had.

As far as pew science I don’t buy into that stuff. I don’t really care what pew science says

Regardless TBAC cans in my opinion are the gold standard that everyone else wants to be.
Why don’t you, “buy into that stuff.”? It’s repeatable standardized testing with clear methodology. What invalidates their results in your assessment?
Why don’t you, “buy into that stuff.”? It’s repeatable standardized testing with clear methodology. What invalidates their results in your assessment?
I think pew science is way overhyped and overvalued by people. People take
What he says as the holy grail. But I think there are issues with having a proprietary and arbitrary suppressor rating system. And There is no standardized testing ratings that
I am aware of?

I think the information pew science puts out is interesting. But personally think when picking a suppressor that there’s so much more to a suppressor than a dB rating. I've literally have never bought a single suppressor using that proprietary metric pew science uses.

Just my opinion thou. Some
People really put a lot into what pew science says
I have a SilencerCo harvester Evo and it’s extremely good on my 300 wsm. I’ve shot a 300 run with Scythe Ti and it wins hands down
I think pew science is way overhyped and overvalued by people. People take
What he says as the holy grail. But I think there are issues with having a proprietary and arbitrary suppressor rating system. And There is no standardized testing ratings that
I am aware of?

I think the information pew science puts out is interesting. But personally think when picking a suppressor that there’s so much more to a suppressor than a dB rating. I've literally have never bought a single suppressor using that proprietary metric pew science uses.

Just my opinion thou. Some
People really put a lot into what pew science says
The standardized methodology for their sampling and waveform analysis is clearly outlined on their site and fully transparent. It’s literally the first section of their website? Their data is a gold standard because it’s not just a db rating. It factors in the impulse waveform rather than just peak impulse value.
The standardized methodology for their sampling and waveform analysis is clearly outlined on their site and fully transparent. It’s literally the first section of their website? Their data is a gold standard because it’s not just a db rating. It factors in the impulse waveform rather than just peak impulse value.
Yea i get that they outline it. I mean standardized industry wise. Pew science tests it different than another company etc etc.
Yea i get that they outline it. I mean standardized industry wise. Pew science tests it different than another company etc etc.
That’s irrelevant and still doesn’t give any reasoning on why their data is not worth believing. In fact, it proves they are doing better science than anyone else in the public domain. All I usually see amounts to, we stuck this B&K meter over here and got this number… Everything on their site is compared on an even footing. While you can’t cross compare their meter data with someone else’s, it doesn’t change the relative rankings and performance of cans tested on their site. If a suppressor they test does worse compared to another, its performance isn’t as good, period.

That said, everyone should still buy the suppressor that fits their use case and matches their budget the best. Ultralight titanium, small format, high back pressure cans are awesome for bolt action hunting rigs, but absolute trash for even a moderately run gas gun. That top testing can on Pew Science might not accept your mounting system, so its performance is irrelevant. Tons of factors beyond the raw numbers.
I have the Diligent Defense Enticer L-Ti. I do like it, but I might get a shorter one if I could to back and do it again. But the price for those is great.

If I could trade it in for anything, it would probably be the SiCo Scythe. It might be the new king for hunting. Excellent balance of weight, length, and still impressive sound performance.
About to order the same riffle. The weight difference is incredible. Yours a 20"?
What suppressor did you end up with? You harvested anything with it yet?
Yes it is. I love the gun honestly. Only been able to kill a whitetail doe and a hog so far so nothing crazy yet. But I got the silencerco scythe and it seems to be the way to go. Haven’t had the chance to try anything else with it yet but I really like it
Yes it is. I love the gun honestly. Only been able to kill a whitetail doe and a hog so far so nothing crazy yet. But I got the silencerco scythe and it seems to be the way to go. Haven’t had the chance to try anything else with it yet but I really like it
Ordered the Scythe Friday. We'll see how long it'll take... Going to try it out on a 16" 308. Current setup is a YHM. Good can but very heavy compared to the scythe.

Looking forward to chrono various factory loads through the 20" ridgeline upon its arrival too. I'll post up the results.
Ordered the Scythe Friday. We'll see how long it'll take... Going to try it out on a 16" 308. Current setup is a YHM. Good can but very heavy compared to the scythe.

Looking forward to chrono various factory loads through the 20" ridgeline upon its arrival too. I'll post up the results.
Plz do. I'd love to hear what you learn.
I went with a rugged can so I could take off the extension and have a 5in can for hunting and full length for shooting. It has been great on my 300wsm and our 7mm08.


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I have a 20” 300WSM and I use a TBAC Ultra 9 Gen 2.


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