The Hybrid 46 and Scythe really aren't comparable at all IMO, and I have both. In the same configuration, (HB titanium front cap and Ecco titanium Plan A), the regular Hybrid 46 is 5 ounces heavier and almost 2 inches longer than the Scythe. Your Hybrid 46m is a little heavier and longer in full configuration, but not much. I got the Hybrid to suppress a 45/70, and its great at that. After I moved on from 45/70 its mostly been used on my 8.6blk, 338-06, and 45 pcc. Its a great versatile can for calibers over the usual 30 stuff.
I think there is a ton of brand loyalty in suppressors, and much of it is driven by marketing. Some of it I think comes from the older days when you bought a can, experienced it, and bought more from the manufacturer if you were happy, and you were probably married to their mounts by then anyway. HUB has really lessened that mount effect, but not so much the tendency to stick. I think TBAC is really good, they make an amazing can. My Takedown 22 is probably the best built, nicest machining work can I own. I always give more credit to suppressor companies that have been around and have been making quality stuff for a long time over some Johnny come lately brand, with some great ideas and tech, but to track record to look back on. There is something to be said for longevity in this business, and TBAC is proven there.