Stocky’s Hunter VG Tikka stock

Paint helps a bunch.
I really noticed it on the KRG Bravos I've done. Not that they felt particularly 'tinny' when naked, but painting them dulled their sound. I really noticed it after the three coats of clearcoat - not sure if there's something about clearcoat as such, or if it was simply the number of coats / total number of coats that the clearcoat provided.
I’m stoked to see the new Rokstok. Not sure if I made that first 100 from pages back but either way, I’ve got two Bravos that are about to be used for other rifles so my main hunting rifles can wear these.
Geez did anyone actually listen to the podcast? Ryan said the first 100 will get something, not sure what yet. But there will be more than 100 for purchase.
It looks like someone could build a drop in pillar the correct diameter and lengths. I thought about trying to cut a couple short pieces of arrow that would keep the bottom plastic from caving in

Lamp thread is the way to go. The lumley pillars are too short by quite a bit
If not, possibly a Fuzzy Wuzzy sticker?

I am down for a fuzzy wuzzy sticker.
Remember to ask ryan what he weights to help hold him accountable to get to 180.........
@Ryan Avery

Geez did anyone actually listen to the podcast? Ryan said the first 100 will get something, not sure what yet. But there will be more than 100 for purchase.

I listened to the podcasts. Did I miss it? What episode? I didnt get to listen to hornady though.