Stepping back as owner of Rokslide

Well thanks for being up front about it and thanks for all your knowledge and info. I think we all can understand being too busy and having to make room and prioritize. Best of luck to you this fall.
Aron sorry to see you leave your position here.i hope that everything goes well for you this year.good luck on your hunts this year. I always appreciated your input on gear you have more time in the backcountry than most of us .
Just as long as you don't go start up another website that turns out to be an epic failure, then bail on that one, we're all good.

Good luck this season, you're a cool dude. I can't wait to hear about your awesome 2014 season.
i'm a new enough member to have never even thought of you as an owner..

cool..good luck to your adventures.
I've learned a ridiculous amount from you alone, not to mention from the site you helped create. I'm looking forward to living vicariously through you on that NWT hunt. Good luck in your future endeavors and thank you!
Good luck Aron! Looks like you have one hell of a hunting season lined up this year. If you ever want to come back home and do some late season blacktail hunting in November just let Tim or I know. We'll make it happen!!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. ..much appreciated!

I'll definitely keep everyone updated with my adventures and post as often as time allows.

Heading out to scout for sheep right now and will post photos when I return.

I know you're a cowboy/horse guy, Robby Denning, so this photo is for you!


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Could not have said it better. Thanks Aron for everything. I have learned more in the last year after discovering Rokslide than I have in the past five that's for sure. Looking forward to hearing about your trips/hunts. Anyway you want to take on a 40 yoa assistant?
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. ..much appreciated!

I'll definitely keep everyone updated with my adventures and post as often as time allows.

Heading out to scout for sheep right now and will post photos when I return.

I know you're a cowboy/horse guy, Robby Denning, so this photo is for you!

Aron's the one in the back as usual. He likes to dress up as a cowboy, don't let him fool you.
It's a shame the shillers, whiners and fanboys kinda get their way... Keep speaking your mind, you're a straight shooter IME. Best of luck with your future endeavours and this upcoming season, Aron. :)
It's a shame the shillers, whiners and fanboys kinda get their way... Keep speaking your mind, you're a straight shooter IME. Best of luck with your future endeavours and this upcoming season, Aron. :)

Don't think you have an accurate understanding of the fan boys. I think I could hear one crying from my house when this post went up.
Well damn, I knew this would happen. Aron I could see your success coming a long time ago. All I can say is good luck and I hope some day to make it to Kifaru and meet you. Please make sure to find some time to enlighten us on more great gear. Thank you dude!
I am new to this site and always get distracted from doing work because of reading the great information on here. It sounds like it may have been a hard choice to leave a business that you helped starter started, but it seems like you are a very busy individual, not only with your hunts but with other businesses as well. Best of luck and sure hope the pictures don't stop. Not living in the mountains and not having the opportunity to be in them as much as others, it sure is awesome looking at the photos you post!