States that force you to wear mask

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Sep 6, 2014
I remember the "flatten the curve slogan", which was a great idea. Now it's "stop wuflu". The government has moved the goal posts. Personally I think folks should decide themselves if they want to wear a mask or go to a bar, unless it's pretty clear the hospitals will get overwhelmed. Personally to me, it would horrible if folks in need are turned away from hospitals and die. We all have to follow what our state and local governments direct or risk a fine. I'm suffering in California, but it's my choice to live here for now.

I think that is what pisses people off the most. Everyone (mostly) did their part and the curve did flatten according to the experts. So it would only make sense that there would be an increase, a "spike", if you will, when the order was lifted. Which was also expected by the experts. So now there is no end in sight. Some businesses are again closing and large gatherings, even private ones in home, are discouraged. There have been reports of the police being called on such gatherings.

Where I am at, none of the 8 hospitals are overwhelmed. They have seen the expected spike but, it isn't crippling them in any way. What is alarming is there are close to 20 skilled nursing facilities with outbreaks. And these facilities are doing a horrible job at containment. They have staff that are working in the Covid areas with absolutely no PPE, not even a basic surgical mask, as well as patients mingling freely among themselves and staff. The county has come down on them but, it doesn't seem to be making a difference.

So now those staff members go home, contact family and friends as well as random people they run into, having been in contact with diagnosed Covid patients.

The sad thing is, this is an issue all over the state. We have "strike teams" that have been all over the state assisting the SNF's due to lack of staffing, either due to illness or flat out walking off the job. Two weeks ago I read a report our union posted that showed out of the approx 5500 deaths in California, over 2300 of those were SNF patients. I kind of see that as a "dirty little secret." Either the state is hiding the fact that so many are dying at these facilities and/or hiding the fact that healthy people overwhelmingly handle the virus better than is being let on.


Feb 28, 2012
Northern Idaho
This thread is a perfect example of how crazy in a relative sense that people have become with this, even though all data points to this not being nearly as severe as initially feared.

In 2009 we (the medical community) were worried that many kids would die from H1N1 (not older people with 1 yr left to live), and there were none of these measures put in place or any talk about people being selfish if they left their house without a spittle shield, which of course does nothing to stop aerosols.

And in 2018, hospitals in California and the southeast US were full and on diversion, icu's full, er's standing room only, etc. from severe respiratory complications from the flu, but never was there any mention that people should lose their constitutional rights, life savings, businesses, or house in order to combat the spread.

I think everybody gets that there may be some specific situations where a mask along with other measures may help slow somewhat covid spread, but the bigger question is how much government should be mandating these things and then fining people and putting them in jail or taking away their business, house, etc.

And ironically all while we have govt not prosecuting violent rioters, and even letting them and other violent criminals already in prison out to commit more crimes upon the very law abiding people who the govt is currently threatening and controlling.

Playing devil's advocate here, in response to one of the posts above, I can understand a mask mandate in public service buildings like the dmv or medical clinics, but why can't the gentleman above have his father shop at a grocery store that voluntarily without government force decides to mandate customer mask wear based upon local current conditions and based upon local health dept recommendations?
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Nov 7, 2012
This thread is a perfect example of how crazy in a relative sense that people have become with this, even though all data points to this not being nearly as severe as initially feared.

In 2009 we (the medical community) were worried that many kids would die from H1N1 (not older people with 1 yr left to live), and there were none of these measures put in place or any talk about people being selfish if they left their house without a spittle shield, which of course does nothing to stop aerosols.

And in 2018, hospitals in California and the southeast US were full and on diversion, icu's full, er's standing room only, etc. from severe respiratory complications from the flu, but never was there any mention that people should lose their constitutional rights, life savings, businesses, or house in order to combat the spread.

I think everybody gets that there may be some specific situations where a mask along with other measures may help slow somewhat covid spread, but the bigger question is how much government should be mandating these things and then fining people and putting them in jail or taking away their business, house, etc.

And ironically all while we have govt not prosecuting violent rioters, and even letting them and other violent criminals already in prison out to commit more crimes upon the very law abiding people who the govt is currently threatening and controlling.

Playing devil's advocate here, in response to one of the posts above, I can understand a mask mandate in public service buildings like the dmv or medical clinics, but why can't the gentleman above have his father shop at a grocery store that voluntarily without government force decides to mandate customer mask wear based upon local current conditions and based upon local health dept recommendations?
Well said.
Jul 22, 2019
Don’t guilt me into thinking I’m maliciously murdering your pa. I’ll see your sick ‘insert dear family member here’ and raise you dozens of old people I know that give way less of a fuq than I do. They are all good people. Go kick rocks self righteous ones.
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Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado
If the mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus (that means virus comes thro mask and infects you) how would it stop the virus from coming out at the same rate you breath it in? I don't think i breath in harder then I cough or sneeze out wearing a mask
I didn't need to see this video to know that a mask helps keep my germs in a smaller bubble. I knew it was working the first time I burped after eating some elk nachos for lunch.

But if your not a believer, take a few minutes to watch this.


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Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
I didn't need to see this video to know that a mask helps keep my germs in a smaller bubble. I knew it was working the first time I burped after eating some elk nachos for lunch.

But if your not a believer, take a few minutes to watch this.


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Do a study where you cough into your arm or hands show me home much more a mask stops the virus from spreading. It's common sense something that CAN NOT stop the virus coming thro the mask normaly breathing in isn't gonna stop normal breathing out or sneeze or cough. Don't need science for that one. Maybe certain mask or hazmat suit will work is our Gov handing them out to citizens?
Oct 16, 2017
Upper Michigan
We have to wear them here in Michigan. I work with a guy that’s an enduro mountain biker. He wears an n95, surgical mask and a buff. He’s a good guy but cnn has him scared of his own shadow. I live in an ultra liberal town In upper Michigan, if this nonsense lasts much longer I’m gonna tell people they need to give me a trigger warning if they’re gonna talk about Covid. I can’t stand listening to the hysteria anymore
Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado
Do a study where you cough into your arm or hands show me home much more a mask stops the virus from spreading. It's common sense something that CAN NOT stop the virus coming thro the mask normaly breathing in isn't gonna stop normal breathing out or sneeze or cough. Don't need science for that one. Maybe certain mask or hazmat suit will work is our Gov handing them out to citizens?
I'm not going to argue with you. You don't understand the point of a mask. And your response doesn't even make sense.

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Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
Tried to post that on memes thread not related to this sorry
Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
The point of a mask or a real mask? So the virus knows what direction it is going through the mask? It can only go in it can't come out? So the force of me breathing in air can suck in the virus and infect me but me sneezing coughing through the mask somehow stops or lessens it how does that make sense?
Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
The scientists need to make a video of how the virus can be inhaled through the mask. Anyone have a video that shows that? I'm sure someone can digitally manufacture a video


May 16, 2020
Don’t guilt me into thinking I’m maliciously murdering your pa. I’ll see your sick ‘insert dear family member here’ and raise you dozens of old people I know that give way less of a fuq than I do. They are all good people. Go kick rocks self righteous ones.
Not my intention of guilt over murdering my father, but I appreciate your take on it. He can take care of himself and will make free choices to do so. The guilt and shame was supposed to be for the anti-masker for being a dishonorable sissy for refusing to wear masks When it may do some good to protect your fellow citizens and does little to harm the wearer. There’s data that shows the slow of spread with mask wear. If they don’t work why does the Military wear them? Why did Trump finally wear one on his visit to Walter Reed? It’s because even he knows it would be political suicide to show no respect for his elders or the Veterans at that facility.
I agree it doesn’t need to be mandated and that small town in Iowa or somewhere in Montana isn’t the same as Orlando Florida. If the disease is spreading too rapidly in your community and overwhelming your hospital systems then obviously we should be wearing masks.
I don’t need it to be mandated to naturally have respect and care for my elders and fellow Americans. I care about Democrats, Republicans, Independents just the same and wear it for all of them. I mean there’s other things we can do like deliver groceries to our elders etc which I already choose to do. A simple one is to wear a mask while you’re in enclosed places with others.
If they don’t work y’all why does the military require mask wear.
Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
Not my intention of guilt over murdering my father, but I appreciate your take on it. He can take care of himself and will make free choices to do so. The guilt and shame was supposed to be for the anti-masker for being a dishonorable sissy for refusing to wear masks When it may do some good to protect your fellow citizens and does little to harm the wearer. There’s data that shows the slow of spread with mask wear. If they don’t work why does the Military wear them? Why did Trump finally wear one on his visit to Walter Reed? It’s because even he knows it would be political suicide to show no respect for his elders or the Veterans at that facility.
I agree it doesn’t need to be mandated and that small town in Iowa or somewhere in Montana isn’t the same as Orlando Florida. If the disease is spreading too rapidly in your community and overwhelming your hospital systems then obviously we should be wearing masks.
I don’t need it to be mandated to naturally have respect and care for my elders and fellow Americans. I care about Democrats, Republicans, Independents just the same and wear it for all of them. I mean there’s other things we can do like deliver groceries to our elders etc which I already choose to do. A simple one is to wear a mask while you’re in enclosed places with others.
If they don’t work y’all why does the military require mask wear.
Some key words in there. First name calling doesn't help but makes you feel better and that's a choice. Which you are still free to do for now. So key words, may do some good and political suicide.


May 16, 2020
The point of a mask or a real mask? So the virus knows what direction it is going through the mask? It can only go in it can't come out? So the force of me breathing in air can suck in the virus and infect me but me sneezing coughing through the mask somehow stops or lessens it how does that make sense?
Infection is about viral load over time. You are not very likely to inhale enough viral load even if someone has just coughed into the air and you walk by them briefly to create an infection in your body. However indoors in enclosed spaces without adequate ventilation the respiratory droplets and looks now more likely that aerosolized viral particles hang out in the air and with enough time spent in that air one would inhale enough viral load to become infected. Mask reduces the amount of respiratory droplets that are floating out from the wearer into the room that can then be inhaled by others. The 6 ft rule is based on the idea that the heavy respiratory droplets will sink to the floor within 6 ft and decrease tge chance that someone else will inhale your droplets. Chances are even if you’re wearing a mask if you spend enough time in an enclosed space with infected individuals you can breathe in aerosolized viral particles and again become infected. You’d have to spend a fair amount of time breathing in the aerosolized virus in the same air stream as another infected individual, which unfortunately may be beyond the 6 ft. This is why they consider closing dine in services in a lot of places.

Ben Nicholson

Feb 21, 2015
Eastern Iowa
Don’t guilt me into thinking I’m maliciously murdering your pa. I’ll see your sick ‘insert dear family member here’ and raise you dozens of old people I know that give way less of a fuq than I do. They are all good people. Go kick rocks self righteous ones.

The only way you're feeling guilt is if you know that you're wrong, which you are. You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. Your choice.


May 16, 2020
Some key words in there. First name calling doesn't help but makes you feel better and that's a choice. Which you are still free to do for now. So key words, may do some good and political suicide.
You’re right not nice to name call. It does not make me feel better. I’m sorry for that.
Plus it usually has the opposite effect making folks dig their heels in a little harder.
As for guilt and shame I wonder if this anti-mask reaction is psychological in that because one or more parent may have been psychologically abusive in the home using blame, shame and guilt to correct behavior vs love, patience and teaching. Now that these children have grown up they are experiencing these same feelings of shame and guilt but because of their past they feel like they have to fight and oppose. It now manifests as defiance against a perceived tyranny. That’s the arrested development where one is stuck in a cycle of blame and shame. The coping mechanism developed was opposition and a front of independence when really they’re just that scared insecure kid inside. Like in Good Will’s not your fault!
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