Stars in the sky rinella documentary

Is this the title, I was searching and found these:

Good Hunting: In the Pursuit of Big Game in the West
Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail

Maybe Netflix will carry it once they show some viewership on Vimeo.

It would be nice to get this sort of media out into the masses. A lot of this stuff seems self serving because it jus doesn't get the right press. But when somebody makes an anti-hunting movie it makes it into every national news headline eventually. It even states in the film: "Hunting has a PR problem" Yup, sure does, and the hunting media companies need to help us out.

Not ragging, just pointing it out that this is a good film to get out there, Steve is always very thoughtful in his responses and representation to non-hunters.

It's full title is "Hunting trips of a Ranchman and the Wilderness Hunter"
I enjoyed the film. It’s a solid piece of media to introduce to someone that is completely isolated from hunting and has an undeveloped idea of what hunting is. Could eliminate some negative stigma towards hunting. I’m for it.
My wife in a non-hunter, and after watching it, she said she has a much better understanding of my hunting obsession.
I wish it would have been longer and more in depth. But the old man telling the story at the end brought a tear to my eye. I'm going to make every effort to teach my young son and daughter good hunter ethics and the conservationist angles to hunting. It's not just a hobby.

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Has anyone had any luck getting to watch this on the Vimeo app, via Amazon Fire stick? I can't seem to find it on the app....

Thats what I did originally when it came out. May try buying it on your account on your PC then logging into it on your Vimeo app and going to my videos/purchases, for some reason I think thats what I had to do.
I used the browser function in smart TV to avoid having to install the Vimeo app. Big Rinella fan and liked the movie. I agree that it is geared towards the non-hunter, which is fine and probably his goal. It does seem a bit superficial and disjointed at times, but again, he is trying to pack a lot into a film without making it too long and I think he did a great job considering the parameters.. Always interesting to hear his brother Danny's opinions on things. He seems to think outside the box.
Will say Steve has been an excellent ambassador for hunting. Last year I was a mentor for the Maryland 1st Shot hunt. Maryland allows adults to buy a one year apprentice license and hunt with a licensed hunter. There were 23 first time adults hunters (out of over 60 that applied). In conversation with them during orientation, more than 2/3rds of them mentioned meateater as one of the factors in their interest in hunting.
Just got around to watching this. Enjoyed it and would recommend.

This next part isn't directed any OP or anyone in particular but like most of Rinella/meateater, Newberg type stuff after/during I often get thinking about all the praise guys like Rinella get for articulating their "Passion" and "Love" of animals and how "hunters are ethically responsible for quick clean kills" "conservationist this conservation that" etc. And then in the next breath or next thread the same joe blow hunters say how they treat wolves or coyotes and everyone should SSS or "aim for the guts and teach the other ones a lesson" the hypocrisy just isn't surprising anymore
Just got around to watching this. Enjoyed it and would recommend.

This next part isn't directed any OP or anyone in particular but like most of Rinella/meateater, Newberg type stuff after/during I often get thinking about all the praise guys like Rinella get for articulating their "Passion" and "Love" of animals and how "hunters are ethically responsible for quick clean kills" "conservationist this conservation that" etc. And then in the next breath or next thread the same joe blow hunters say how they treat wolves or coyotes and everyone should SSS or "aim for the guts and teach the other ones a lesson" the hypocrisy just isn't surprising anymore
What does SSS mean?

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Caught it yesterday on Netflix. It’s more an explanation and reasoning for the non hunters type of deal but I think non hunters need to see that type of thing from the hunting community. Good film.
I was able to watch it this weekend, and was not disappointed in the production and message from the meat eater crew. Great job as usual. Thanks guys.
I started watching it and looks good so far. Gonna put it on the schedule for family movie night.

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