Spenceville Turks


Sep 10, 2018
Hope everyone is doing well.

I am new to Turkey Hunting and after 2 years on BLM land here in NorCal, and not seeing much, I've drawn a permit for Spenceville WA for opening weekend. Wanted to see if anyone has hunted that area and may know the terrain. I've been studying the maps and trying to get a lay of the land.

For Spring turkey, will they do most of their strutting in the open or in thicker cover? And what is more important to them, ease of travel to water or to an area to meet a hen?

Reaaaaaaaaaaal jealous right about now....

I didn't get drawn for any opening weekend turkey this year. I guess I'll find a blm spot to go opening weekend.
I hunted spenceville last year and it can be very productive especially early season. Late season, not so much. I've found that the turkeys like to hang out in the shaded areas by the creeks (I hunted Dry Creek) during the day where it's cooler (it was hot as hell last year though). In the mornings I've found them to be most active and you should have no problem locating them if you get there early enough. They spook real easily though as they know when hunting season comes around even on opening day so wear camo and be weary around corners.

Terrain can be tough in certain stretches but for the most part it's hilly (300-800 ft I think) with thickets in the valleys. I suggest getting there before the sun comes up, locating with a owl or raven call, then setting up anywhere from 100-500 yds away from where you hear the most gobbles/hens. They will be very busy with themselves first thing in the morning so I don't even try to call them in at that point. When the activity calms down some, I start calling and that tends to have worked better for me than calling the hell out of em and trying to get them to abandon the party to come to you.

This year has been very wet so I'm sure there will be plenty of water. The males will probably focus on finding hens after their initial am rendezvous and they like to strut on the side of the hill where the sun will be shining at them. If you haven't located birds by around 8:30 am, get on a glassing knob and glass the hillsides that are lit up by the sun. This usually finds me a gobbler if I couldn't locate one by raven or owl calling. Then it's just a matter of whether or not it's worth it to you to bushwack through those thickets I talked about to get to one, as that's usually what stands between you and the gobbler when you find them this way in spenceville.

If you have any more questions I'll try to help out. Feel free to ask!
Good luck!
Dang it. Don't give all the good tidbits away!

I drew Spenceville opening weekend, too. ;)
Hey at least you guys drew permits! I'll be stuck with the other hundreds of folks out on blm land trying to chase spooked gobblers while you guys (and 18 other folks) should have spenceville to yourselves!
Good luck!
Always hit the community spots...above the archery range and back by the falls. I think it was 2 years ago when they had the hippie shit show on opening morning. Whole lot of dancing and chanting around fires. Sheriff's Office had to come out. I guess if you need more info. PM me and I can tell you a few other spots.
I got drawn for opening weekend. I’ll take any advice I can get! This will be my second time ever hunting turkey. And I live way down in Ridgecrest, CA. Wasn’t expecting to get drawn, but now I’ll be heading out the day prior to 3/29 to do some scouting. In the meantime, hitting the escout.