Kuiu not selling to California residents?


Nov 26, 2012
So. Cal.
Certain Kuiu items are no longer being sold to California residents - for example, the Guide Pro jacket and pants. When I emailed Kuiu about this, their response was somewhat less than informative: "Starting January 1st 2025 new legislation in your state prohibits the shipping of certain products."

Anyone have more details about this? With the exception of certain prohibited animal products like kangaroo leather boots, I've never heard of prohibited clothing before. I know that Kuiu didn't write the idiotic law, but the irony is that Kuiu is a California company. So when Kuiu says "your state", it's their state, too.
Maybe they don't want to put the warning on their clothes. You know, "this is known by the state of California to...." 😆
Has to do with PFAS regulations from what I understand.

They told me this was temporary and later this year they’d move on to another acceptable chemical for water proofing.

That's a lot more information than what they provided to me. Hopefully the new formulation will be as effective.
CA & NY... surprise surprise
It’s not just CA and NY. A multitude of states have banned PFAS in one way or another, especially in food packaging.

That said, it’s not yet widely enforced. I just bought some gore Tex boots from a well known hunting retailer and had them shipped without issue.
It’s not just CA and NY. A multitude of states have banned PFAS in one way or another, especially in food packaging.

That said, it’s not yet widely enforced. I just bought some gore Tex boots from a well known hunting retailer and had them shipped without issue.
Ny and ca are the apparel bans currently in effect. Other states have bans on pfas in clothing that will come into effect in 2027, 2028, etc. The other bans currently in effect are for food packaging, baby toys, and stuff like that.
If the most hi tech fanciest hunting brands in the country that sent people to the moon using slide rulers can’t make a raincoat coat that doesn’t give us all some kind of kidney cancer or whatever it sounds like maybe we’ve got some bigger problems…
I didn’t think I could like Kuiu any less until you informed me they are a California company.
What rock have you been living under? 😆 I kid.
I would have just assumed as a WKR you knew this. It's been well talked about since when Jason was the owner and the cliff test was point of contention. That was a fun thread back in the day.