Torges Seat Materials


May 2, 2024
East Alabama
Anyone willing to share some materials they have used for making a torges tree seat? I know the default is usually a 1/2 inch piece of treated plywood or something similar, but I have seen some folks online use plastics & aluminum. I would like to tinker around and make a really lightweight option. Considered trying a large plastic type cutting board and drilling some holes in it to lighten it as well.

Interested in recommendations for the rope, the seat itself, and anything used to add more utility. Saw one guy who added a nalgene holding strap and a small pack to the bottom.
Personally I just used the plywood.
1/2” and some nylon rope from Lowe’s (I think 🤔) that was rated over 200 lbs.
I carried that for the season and it was never a problem other than it being awkward at times.
I spray painted mine and really hit the edges to help seal it.
If you need it to be lighter then cut holes in it as you spoke of.
I’m pretty sure the plastic cutting board will be too flimsy, but you never know unless you try I suppose….