merriam spring turkey hunt


Nov 17, 2021
I'm from the state of VA and have been hunting eastern turkeys for quite a while. I would really like to venture out towards the midwest/west to go on a spring merriam hunt. Looking at South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana. I want to enjoy the scenery and adventure of traveling in my truck to where ever this destination may be, but also choose the place as carefully as I can. I would rather hunt public ground than going with an outfitter. I'm looking for any recommendations on any of those states and areas to hunt/camp/visit and any friendly advice. I've never been out that direction of the US so I will be happy just to enjoy the lay of the land and what it has to offer. Of course, a nice merriam turkey would be awesome as well, but I don't dwell on not taking a bird too much as failure, as I enjoy the experience of every hunt, the new terrain, and what each new place has to offer. I know there are many hunters on the forum that may be able to offer tips and advice on how to plan this out and maximize my time as well. Thank you all in advance!
Thanks, I have had a setback since original post, blew my knee out and had surgery so i did not push forward with a plan, so i would really like to nail it down for next spring. Any advice or help would be appreciated, open to South Dakota , Utah, Colorado, Montana , Nebraska. Thanks! Hopefully that will give me time to rehab knee and limp through this season locally (no pun intended).
Get after it. I killed my first turkey soon after ACL surgery(1984) had a buddy help but had to go through the woods on crutches
South Dakota black hills in my opinion will offer the biggest adventure. practically unlimited public land and a decent amount of birds. depending on how your knee is doing it definitely is hunting turkeys in the mountains. i have been out there twice and it has never been disappointed.
Get after it. I killed my first turkey soon after ACL surgery(1984) had a buddy help but had to go through the woods on crutches
Awesome memory.
I went turkey hunting with my dad a few days after I had a scope done on my mcl. We called in a gang of toms, dad busted two and I got one. I crutched out of the woods that morning feeling like a million bucks.

OP, I'd compare non res tag fees, 1 bird state or 2? You want big hill country or plains and drainages? You want any ole merriam or one with pure white feathers? some of those states' birds tend to be more rusty than others. Find the biggest continuous tracts of public land you can find in each state that are a decent ways from any large metro area. E-scout the areas and pick out 10 spots on the map you think hold turkeys and draw a circle around them. Then find yourself the nearest camping area or lodging options within whatever distance you deem to be a reasonable commute to the mid point of your qualified "hunting area". Now pick whichever one makes the most sense for you and go have a great time.

This is a trusted recipe but feel free to tweak.
Nebraska's turkey population has been seriously declining. 2 years ago, a hunter was allowed to shoot 3 birds in the same day for the spring hunt and 4 in the fall (2 per permit). Now you are limited to 3 per year, 2 spring and one in the fall with no more than one per day. There are still some areas with ok populations but it's nothing like is was. Public land gets hit hard and permits are now LQ for non residents.
I think turkeys in Nebraska would be fun, but I’m pretty lazy and don’t like leaving my town, let alone my state to hunt. So far I haven’t had any issues with finding turkeys here, but once that changes I’ll start trying out new states.
I have killed 2 birds in Wy and 1 in SD black hills. You dont need a guide if you know how to hunt turkeys. A 1 sq mile chunk of WY state land will hold birds and they are not as spooky as easterns and WAY more fun.
If I go back to the black hills, I would rent an electric bike, take a back pack tent and use the Mickelson trail and arrange a pick up