OP, I think you need to just relax a little bit and dont judge success of the hunt with your son on whether or not he fills his tag. He's only 14 and will have plenty of tags to fill in his lifetime, if that's what you're concerned about. The only thing that matters, if you want him to ever hunt with you after high school, is if he has fun, however that may manifest. If hard-ass "Coach Dad" comes out on the hunt then you can probably forget about having him as a hunting partner ever again once girls and then women come into his life, don't ruin it for him. My Dad coached me until I went to college and we've been hunting together since I was a kid. He's almost 70 now and I still look forward to every single chance that we get to hunt and fish together. Then again we never had a contentious relationship, but we've had a ton of fun and won several championships for baseball. Have also killed a ton of shit together. And during all that time, I was still able to learn those tough lessons from hunting trips and sports that make a boy grow up to be a man. All the things you want him to get out of a good and tough hunt will come, but only if he has fun first and foremost. Just my opinion of course.
I hope you guys have the trip of a lifetime together.
I hope you guys have the trip of a lifetime together.