Son drew National Elk Refuge permit this weekend!

It has definitely changed out there in the last 10 years or so
There used to be a group of big bulls out there in late October no matter the weather
And these special hunts didn’t have anything to do with these bulls that are no no longer there?? Not that I’m against this special hunt for our youth but eventually these hunts do have an effect on the older age class of bulls.
Well sad to report no elk for us. There was a few shots today but nothing close and we didn’t even cut a track. We put in 18miles in 2 days. It’s hard to compete with all the horse hunters but we had a great time and made a unique memory. I don’t know if I’d do it again. It is a very competitive hunt and that is just not my style. It would be awesome when there is snow to bring them down im sure.

Thanks everyone for all the help and I really appreciate it!

Especially Archer86 who put us into our best chance. Thanks man!
My buddy's kid didn't get one either. Not enough snow.

On the horse note did you hear about the outfitter who used a couple to drive a bull onto the refuge?
Well sad to report no elk for us. There was a few shots today but nothing close and we didn’t even cut a track. We put in 18miles in 2 days. It’s hard to compete with all the horse hunters but we had a great time and made a unique memory. I don’t know if I’d do it again. It is a very competitive hunt and that is just not my style. It would be awesome when there is snow to bring them down im sure.

Thanks everyone for all the help and I really appreciate it!

Especially Archer86 who put us into our best chance. Thanks man!
I had a very similiar experience. Almost felt like combat hunting with youth everyone was in a hurry to get ahead of everyone else.

I was hoping with the 2 days of hunting I had I could give you guys a some Intel to make the most of your 2 days in there and have a decent chance to get a bull down. It was good to meet you guys.
I had a very similiar experience. Almost felt like combat hunting with youth everyone was in a hurry to get ahead of everyone else.

I was hoping with the 2 days of hunting I had I could give you guys a some Intel to make the most of your 2 days in there and have a decent chance to get a bull down. It was good to meet you guys.
Yes, it’s was nice meeting you as well and always nice to get to put a face with a name. Thanks again we were close thanks to you!
And these special hunts didn’t have anything to do with these bulls that are no no longer there?? Not that I’m against this special hunt for our youth but eventually these hunts do have an effect on the older age class of bulls.
I don't think so, these elk come from miles away to winter on the Refuge. If anything the pressure just moves them in later, bison have learned the same- hit the refuge later when hunts are over.
I don't think the number of bulls taken would affect that age class, but good question for the biologist over there.