Soft bow cases sufficient?


Apr 12, 2020
We do a lot of long drives for hunts, and so far have always used hard cases (SKB for mine, pelican for hers) and they take up tons of space. I’ve got a crewcab tundra with the short box (5.7 foot, so with both cases in the truck they take up either the majority of the back seat area, or half the truck box. I have a tonneau so usable space isn’t that large in the box. Was thinking of picking up a couple soft cases instead, but I’m worried about damage & jostling on rough roads or from shifting loads.
If I’m driving my bow is usually not in any case. I have a string cover and pins covered, otherwise just thrown in the back seat with no problems. Soft case would be fine but I would prefer my bow in the cab regardless.
Mines in a soft case and I've never had any issues, I've even had the soft case strapped down in the side by side going way faster over rough trails then I should be
You can use some hangers for the back of your seats. Hangs your bow right behind the seat out of the way.
Soft case in the truck, hard case for planes has worked for me. I am thoughtful about not putting things on top or not letting g it slide around too much.
I stopped using cases years ago. I have a cheap bow holder on the back of my seat front seat on my truck, where I keep the bow.

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I generally just throw the bow in the back seat, but would really like a hard case when I need more room up front and can throw it in the back of the truck.
My bows are 99% carried in soft cases.

Except hunting season, hunting season they just ride on top of the mass that is my back seat. In areas they are required to be cased, I have a giant soft case that was like $14 I zip them up in. Quiver, bars, everything.

Flying is about only time I use a hard case, and I might change that.
Another vote for just throw mine in the back seat, lol. I do keep one of the primos string/cam sling cover things on it most of the time unless I'm ine the field though. Need to just get one of the cheap things for back of my seat to strap it too though

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I’ve used both hard and soft cases. Hard cases will protect your bow from any and every kind of damage. I’ve found that as long as my bow in the Soft case is secure (either just behind my driver seat or on top of my back seat equipment, it’s just as safe as any hard case. I would recommend a hard tube case for your arrows. A rough road or packed cab wouldn’t do as much damage to your bow as it would on smashed arrows/vanes in my opinion.
They make all sizes of hard cases. I'd rather have a hard one just big enough to fit everything including arrows in it. I've used both. I'd never fly with a soft case, so I think that means I give the edge in durability to hard cases.