Looking to try my hand at making some sausage for the second time. First time I cooked on too high of heat and didn’t add enough fat, resulting in dry sausage.
For large batches to be consumed later, is there a general consensus on cold smoking for and hour or two and then freezing (to be fully cooked later prior to eating) vs. smoking fully up to temp then freezing? I plan on adding cure to the meat prior to smoking.
I’ve perused the internet and found all kinds of wildly different answers. Interested in best practices and lessons learned from the crew here.
For large batches to be consumed later, is there a general consensus on cold smoking for and hour or two and then freezing (to be fully cooked later prior to eating) vs. smoking fully up to temp then freezing? I plan on adding cure to the meat prior to smoking.
I’ve perused the internet and found all kinds of wildly different answers. Interested in best practices and lessons learned from the crew here.