I started with a #22 Grinder 10 years ago (photo heavy)

If I'm adding fat then I grind the fat separately. If you try to add it as you did the blend is inconsistent. I have a meat mixer that I use to blend the ground meat and fat together then. The meat mixer is not necessary and doing it by hand works just fine. I run our burger through a 1/4" plate.
1/4 and 7mmare close to the same. Did you buy a 1/4 inch plate separately? I see most Cabela's grinders come with plates in metric sizes...

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As for the salt, all we've ever done is soak the casings and change the water a few times. If people are peeling the casings off, it may be because they are tough to chew. We now hang our sausages a few hours or overnight to dry them out a bit before packaging. This dries the casings out and tightens them up so that they should give a good snap when you bite into them.

I'm not sure where you get your casings, but we've been using Syracuse Casings for years. They're 100% US hogs processed in the US (no chinese casings).

Regarding the rinsing of salt I was referring to the natural casings that you can buy on a straw to facilitate easy loading on to the stuffing horn. I have no idea how you would rinse the salt from those. Especially the inside.

Only used the 100% US casings as well. Thanks for the tip on letting the natural casings dry a bit. I will try that.
Clarktar , I had look to verify the size. I have 3 plates with 4.5mm being the smallest. Burger goes through it. The 1/4" plate is used for coarser bulk sausage.

I'm going to get a 3mm plate for snack sticks and the like to improve the texture on those as someone else suggested.
Clarktar , I had look to verify the size. I have 3 plates with 4.5mm being the smallest. Burger goes through it. The 1/4" plate is used for coarser bulk sausage.

I'm going to get a 3mm plate for snack sticks and the like to improve the texture on those as someone else suggested.
Thanks for checking. I ran my burger once through the 7mm plate. Worked fine for taco meat. Will test burgers in a couple days. Might try the 4mm plate I have this weekend. Thanks again. Awesome information!

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Great thread! I love processing my own game meats. I just processed my AZ deer on Christmas Eve. Nothing like knowing that all of your meats are done the way you want it and not mixed with someone else's game meats at the processors

Slim Jim....me and you were both going at it on Christmas Eve....LOL. My wife shot her whitetail buck on Christmas Eve morning. Spent the morning until early afternoon working on the meat. We not only broke down the animal the same day, we used the same Summer Sausage mix! I finished mine last night. Made 15 pounds (half that box) into 5 casings. One's in my fridge, one went to work today and is GONE!! Another one went to the landowner, and now I have to bring a second one to work tomorrow for the other shift....LOL...15 pounds is going FAST!

For those on the fence about doing your own meat processing, I highly recommend it as long as you don't mind dedicating some time to it, and investing in minimal equipment. Decent knives, and a few tote bins, and decent cutting boards are first and foremost, followed by a decent grinder! You don't need the sausage stuffer, but as was discussed in this post....it would definilty be nice to have. We used the grinder to stuff the casings, and it would go much faster with a stuffer for sure. Its on my list! Also...check out Scott Rea on youtube, he has LOTS of videos of processing game. he does a nice job explaining things, and a professional butcher. He is overseas, but don't let that turn ya away....he is pretty cool to watch, and even a bit entertaining at times.
Regarding the rinsing of salt I was referring to the natural casings that you can buy on a straw to facilitate easy loading on to the stuffing horn. I have no idea how you would rinse the salt from those. Especially the inside.

Only used the 100% US casings as well. Thanks for the tip on letting the natural casings dry a bit. I will try that.

I use that style bought from Syracuse casing company. I just soak them in warm water before using and the salt comes off.
Thanks for all the great info. I'm processing my own deer (well 1/2 of one I split with a buddy) for the first time this year. Picked up a grinder attachment for the wife's kitchen aid. Anyone have experience with one of those? I'm skeptical of how well it would work and if I should return it and get a dedicated grinder. Probably only get 1 more deer at most this year so not sure it's worth the added expense for such a small amount.
Thanks for all the great info. I'm processing my own deer (well 1/2 of one I split with a buddy) for the first time this year. Picked up a grinder attachment for the wife's kitchen aid. Anyone have experience with one of those? I'm skeptical of how well it would work and if I should return it and get a dedicated grinder. Probably only get 1 more deer at most this year so not sure it's worth the added expense for such a small amount.
It'll work, but it will be slow, and you just need to take your time. My buddy uses one for small 5-10lb batches. Cut the chunks up small enough to feed down the throat. Keep the meat just a touch frozen and keep your grinder parts cold. You may have to remove the plate and pull any sinew out, but if everything is very cold, it should cut most things up.

See how you like it and then you can spring for a dedicated grinder.
Anyone have a go to recipe and process for Pepperoni sticks? We did some basic ground meat. It was good. Want to try some Pep sticks, and eventually some bulk italian spiced suasage
I purchase a lot of my consumables from Walton's Inc, and I've used several of their spice mixes. I have never used the Pepporoni seasoning.
Pepperoni Unit Seasoning from Excalibur Seasoning

Walton's main business is working with commercial businesses/processors. I cannot say enough good things about them. Their staff is always helpful, and they have staff with actual experience. Also their videos are very informational.
Anyone have a go to recipe and process for Pepperoni sticks? We did some basic ground meat. It was good. Want to try some Pep sticks, and eventually some bulk italian spiced suasage

Owens seasonings is where I'm getting most of my seasonings now. I quit making my own as I feel it's not worth it.
Can anyone provide a recipe for spicy (or mild) bulk italian sausage. This is a mainstay in our home and I need to process some this weekend hopefully.

Thanks again
Can anyone provide a recipe for spicy (or mild) bulk italian sausage. This is a mainstay in our home and I need to process some this weekend hopefully.

Thanks again

I quit making my own and buy premixed. LEM brand is great and can be found at most stores like Gander Mountain.

This was what was using before.
I'm with camping1601. I buy premixed from waltons. I can tell you that it is a little strong on the fennel though, but that could be be due to the spices being fresher. Nonetheless We like it. I've only used the mild as the boys aren't fans of spicy sausage.

Unless you just enjoy creating your own spice mixes or do small batches; it's much cheaper to buy it premixed.
yep....I agree with camping 1601 as well. I have used the Hi Mountain brand for jerky for years and they have a bunch of different flavors we like. I tried the same sausage recipe that Slimjim used in the pic in the post above this year. It came out pretty good. Buy a couple different ones that you may like, make a few pounds of each, and then go from there. Once you settle in on your favorite, you can step up the poundage. No matter what though...I always "test taste" the mix by throwing a few small "meatballs" into the microwave to see where Im at. If they seem bland, I may add some pepper, salt, Crushed red pepper, etc before the meat gets stuffed.
I have the same meat mixer. I use a 3/8" drive, 19mm deep well socket, and a piece of 3/8" extension that I cut the female end off of so that it will fit in a 1/2" corded drill. Makes mixing meat a whole lot easier.

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So the socket end of that is in the meat, and it mixes it? Picture.?

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So the socket end of that is in the meat, and it mixes it? Picture.?

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No, theres a hex piece on the end of the mixer that the handle attaches to. A 19mm socket will fit on this piece. I'm at work now, but I will post a picture when i get home.

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I have the same meat mixer. I use a 3/8" drive, 19mm deep well socket, and a piece of 3/8" extension that I cut the female end off of so that it will fit in a 1/2" corded drill. Makes mixing meat a whole lot easier.

I finally broke a blade off of my mixer. I've always thought it was a little flimsy. So now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to TIG weld the blade back on and try and reinforce all of them with gussets or look for a replacement.

I would like to see pictures of your drill drive set up as well. Do you run into issues with the drill motor getting hot? At times that little mixer will see 150# of meat in short amount of time when we are processing.