Got mine today. Definitely "athletic" fit, I ordered a Large, but could have probably gone with an XL- 5'11" 180-ish. It's pretty close for me torso length wise.
I snapped a couple of pics inside out to show where the Alpha is and where the grid fleece is. The grid fleece is NOT the same as the Heavyweight hoody, it's a lighter grid fleece- about the same as the fleece panels on the new Evo.
Mine weighs 9.3 oz (Large)
I'd say roughly 60% of the jacket is 60 gram Alpha w/ a light outer fabric, the rest a lighter grid fleece
I think this jacket is going to breathe really well, but still providing some decent insulation. If the weather holds, should be getting in 3-4 days in this coming weekend for some high country mule deer.