SIG p226 alternatives

Nov 29, 2023
I have a p220 I love that’s been about shot to death, keep it under the front seat. Never looking for opportunities to use it but definitely have had reasons over the years to reach for it. Thinking lately of moving to something 9mm for higher capacity. I got my 220 years ago used, so the thought of new 226 prices is a little out of reach. Is there anything else I should look at? I love the exposed hammer DA/SA no safety format…. I’ve never been comfortable with a striker fired pistol with one in the tube ready to go but with the Sig I don’t worry about it.

Just looking for options before either looking for a used 226 or buying a Glock 17 or 19.

Oh man, with your love of your P220 and trust in them, you gotta consider the P365 AXG Legion. Best shooting handgun I’ve ever shot. Metal frame, so a bit of weight to it, while still being compact and holding 17 rds. of 9mm.

For a hammer fired, I’d just ahead and look at used P226 or some of their other variants. They seem to come up frequently on GB.
OP, if you're seriously dialed in with that P220, best practice would be to stay with the same basic format - and as you've discovered, a used P200-series Sig will just about last forever. There are tons used on Gunbroker that, even at 500 or 1000 rounds, aren't even really broken in yet.

Full-size, 226s are great. If you want a little more concealable, a 229 in 9mm is a forever-gun, given how stout they were built originally, to handle the .40S&W. One of the best EDC 9mms ever made is the P228, which is a bit slimmer and lighter than the 229. Speaking from a lot of experience on all these here.

As was mentioned above, if you do want to try something new, the P365 AXG Legion is simply one of the best EDC guns Sig has ever produced. Not too big, not too small, not too light, not to heavy, they point extremely well for most people, and shoot fantastic.

If you follow-up your interest on a Glock, be sure to actually shoot one first. With the trigger alone, going from a 220 to any Glock is like going from driving a BMW 7-series to driving a 6-cylinder 4Runner. Nothing wrong with 4Runners at all, but it's an entirely different experience, and you'll want to experience that before purchasing.