Three 10 round groups today with one from a few weeks back for comparison.
I'm interested in what you guys would do for adjusting and calling zero good. Both Tikkas with SWFA scopes.
On the left is 77 TMK with Sta-ball match.
The very left is 10 rounds with 24.5 gr of match from a few weeks back. Today I was shooting 24.4gr (from a uniflow powder measure) I adjusted .2R and shot the top left group. Then I adjusted .2L and shot the 3 round "group" below it. Those 3 rounds were leftover from a ladder and were 23, 23.5 and 24.0g I believe. I'm thinking I should just go back .1R and call it good there?
On the right is 2 groups from the 6.5 CM with 147 ELD-Ms (better pic below). I shot the left group with 41.5gr H4350 then adjusted Right .3 and down .2 and shot the right group with 41gr H4350.
Looks like I should come back up .1 mil for my zero?
If I overlay them and account for the adjustment my best guess is all 20 rounds fall in about 1.75" diameter group or so?