Should you carry a firearm while bowhunting in Wyoming

Do what makes you feel comfortable. Just make sure you have a good way to carry it that fits your setup. I spend a fair bit of time hunting, camping, fishing…. with my children or solo in prime grizzly country to know the boogie man is not around every corner. Bear spray goes a long ways in feeling safe. But like I said do what fits your style and comfort level.
Most definitely, I was out there 2 years ago archery hunting and was stalked by a mountain lion which I got within about 30yds of before it decided to go the opposite direction. Spooky experience for sure. Having a sidearm helped me feel a little better for sure.
IMO the only concern (other than humans) is grizzly in NW WY. They are much more aggressive in my experience than browns/grizzly in AK. I've had several aggressive bear experiences west of Cody and zero with with run in's in AK.
With wolves, lions, moose and bears out in the wilderness here should I carry a firearm for protection or am I just overthinking situations out here. Could always just kick em really hard if they get to close. What's your thoughts?
You can kick one of those super aggressive Wyoming grizzly bears and please tell me how that turns out for you.
Unless hunting in grizz country no need really.
I don't think I have ever carried while bow hunting.
Flu flus for grouse, no firearm needed.
Well... for instance, I have some back issues now that I'm starting to have "some years on me". So I know I can't realistically run & evade. So therefore I HAVE to "stand-and-deliver". Also, I like to say "I know my luck". Another reason I carry a pistol in addition to primary weapon out there.

Don't worry or give a what-what about what any other mofo has to say about you carrying.

Fother Muck them.. they ain't gonna be there when bad luck manifests one day. But that pistol will.
Jogging by yourself in the early morning in bear country is probably “breaking the rules.” So is sneaking around imitating elk noises. Participants of either should carry something.
I hunted with Swift Creek in Sept 2021 just outside Teton National Park. Carried my 10mm with bear loads in it. One close call with a griz (30-40 yards) he starred us down for a while but no charge. We did see some moose but they didn't bother us. Glad I carried it, my brother and guide both carried 10's as well. Good luck, be safe!